Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


You can use "tail -f /tmp/log/messagemessages" to tail display the log messagemessages.

You can change set the syslog local-file location to disk. The log file name is "messagemessages" which is in the directory of "/var/log"


You can use "tail -f /var/log/messagemessages" to tail show the log messagemessages. 

Enable Important Debugs

Enable debug interface:

Code Block
##Global Interface traceoptions.
admin@XorPlus# set interface traceoptions flag
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]> Execute  this command all Configure all tracing config Configure configuration tracing ethernet-switching-options Configure ethernet-switching-options tracing mlag-trace Configure mlag event tracing neighbor-event ConfigureExecute neighborthis eventcommand
tracing packets Configureall received or sent packets event tracing port-security   Configure port security tracing raw-packet Configure receive raw packet tracing route-event Configure route event tracing static-ethernet-switching Configure static-ethernet-switching tracing admin@XorPlus#Configure setall interfacetracing
traceoptions flag config ? Possible completions: <[Enter]> Execute this command disable Disable tracing admin@XorPlus# set interface traceoptions flag config disable false admin@XorPlus# commit  Commit OK. Save done. admin@XorPlus#Configure configuration admin@XorPlus#tracing
set interface traceoptions line-card ?
Possible completions:
<[Enter]> Execute this command
statistics Configure line card statistic module trace
trace-level Configure line card trace level
trace-type Configure line card trace type
admin@XorPlus# set interface traceoptions line-card trace-level all disable false
admin@XorPlus# commit 
Commit OK.

##Per physical interface traceoptions.
admin@Xorplus# set interface gigabit-ethernet ge-1/1/1 traceoptions flag 
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>          ethernet-switching-options      Configure ethernet-switching-options tracing
  neighbor-event                  Configure neighbor event tracing
  packets                         Configure received or sent packets event tracing
  port-security              Execute this command   allConfigure port security tracing
   raw-packet                      Configure receivedreceive andraw sentpacket packets event tracing
  messageroute-inevent                      Configure receivedroute packets event tracing
  messagestatic-ethernet-outswitching       Configure static-ethernet-switching tracing
  timer         Configure sent packets event tracing admin@Xorplus# set interface gigabit-ethernet ge-1/1/1 traceoptions flag message-in disable false admin@XorPlus# commit  CommitConfigure OK.timer tracing

##Peradmin@XorPlus# aggregateset interface traceoptions offlag config
mlag. admin@Xorplus# set<[Enter]> interface aggregate-ethernet ae1 traceoptions mlag flag  Possible completions:   <[Enter]>           Execute this command
  disable       Execute this command   all             Disable configuration tracing

admin@XorPlus# set interface traceoptions flag config disable false
admin@XorPlus# commit 
Commit ConfigureOK.
allSave thedone.
mlagadmin@XorPlus# tracing
admin@XorPlus# set eventinterface traceoptions line-card ?
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>                   Configure mlag event tracing Execute this hellocommand
  statistic                        Configure mlagline hellocard tracingstatistic module trace
igmp  trace-level                     Configure line card trace level
Configure mlag igmp tracing
  mac-sync trace-type                        Configure mlagline mac-synccard tracingtrace type

packetadmin@XorPlus# set interface traceoptions line-card trace-level all disable false
admin@XorPlus# commit 
Commit OK.

Enable debug of protocals:

Code Block
admin@Xorplus# set protocols 
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>       Configure     mlag packet tracing   state-change      Execute this command
  arp         Configure mlag state change tracing   stp             Configure ARP
  bgp            Configure mlag stp tracing   timer           Configure BGP inter-domain routing
  dhcp          Configure mlag timer tracing admin@Xorplus# set interface aggregate-ethernet ae1 traceoptions mlag flag hello disable false admin@XorPlus# commit  Commit OK.


Enable debug of protocals:

Code Block
admin@Xorplus# set protocols 
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
  dot1x                          Execute this802.1x commandprotocol
  arpigmp                             Configure ARPthe IGMP protocol
bfd  igmp-snooping                   Configure the igmp snooping
  lacp  Configure BFD   bgp                      Link Aggregation Control Protocol
  lldp Configure BGP inter-domain routing   dhcp                     Link Layer Discovery Protocol 802.1AB
  Dynamicmlag Host Configuration Protocol   dot1x                      Configure MLAG
  neighbour 802.1x protocol   igmp                  Configure Neighbour Discovery Protocol
  netconf    Configure the IGMP protocol   igmp-snooping                   Configure theNETCONF
igmp snooping ospf  lacp                          Configure the LinkOSPF Aggregationprotocol
Control Protocol ovsdb  lldp                         Enable OVSDB
 Link Layer Discoverypim Protocol 802.1AB   mpls                        PIM protocol
  Configuresflow MPLS   neighbour                       Configure Neighboursflow
Discovery Protocol snmp  netconf                         Configure NETCONFSimple network management ospf4protocol configuration
  spanning-tree                   Configure Spanning Tree
 Configure thestatic OSPF protocol   ospf6                     Configure static routes
  udld Configure the OSPFv3 protocol   pimsm4                     Unidirectional Link Detection Protocol
 Configure thevrrp IPv4 PIM-SM protocol   rip                      Configure VRRP
admin@Xorplus# set protocols bgp traceoption RIPupdates configurationin
admin@Xorplus# commit
sflowCommit OK
Save Done!

Enable debug of LLDP:

Code Block
## LLDP global traceoptions.
admin@Xorplus# set protocols lldp traceoptions flag 
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>         Configure sflow   snmp          Execute this command
  all             Simple network management protocol configuration   spanning-tree         Configure all events and packets tracing
  configuration  Configure Spanning Tree   static            Configure configuration tracing
  message-in         Configure   static routes   udld      Configure received message tracing
  message-out                Unidirectional Link Detection Protocol  Configure vrrpsend message tracing
  state-change                    Configure LLDP state Configurechange VRRPtracing
admin@Xorplus# set protocols bfdlldp traceoptions flag message-in disable false
admin@XorPlus# commit 
Commit OK.

##LLDP per interface traceoptions.
admin@Xorplus# set protocols lldp traceoptions interface ge-1/1/1 flag 
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>                       Execute this command
  all                             Configure all tracingevents and packets configtracing
  configuration                       Configure configuration tracing
  eventmessage-in                      Configure received message tracing
 Configure BFDmessage-out session event tracing   fsm               Configure send message tracing
  state-change        Configure FSM state tracing   packet      Configure LLDP state change tracing

admin@Xorplus# set protocols lldp traceoptions interface ge-1/1/1 flag configuration disable false
admin@XorPlus# commit 
Configure all packet tracing operations
  raw-packet        Commit OK.

Enable debug of LACP:

Code Block
## LACP global traceoptions.
admin@Xorplus# set protocols lacp traceoptions flag 
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>              Dump raw packets BFD read from or send to socketsExecute this command
timer  all                         Configure timer tracing admin@Xorplus# setConfigure protocolsall bfdevents traceoptionsand flagpackets timertracing
disable false admin@XorPlus#configuration commit  Commit OK.

Enable debug of LLDP:

Code Block
## LLDP global traceoptions. admin@Xorplus# set protocols lldp traceoptions flag  Possible completions:   <[Enter]>Configure configuration tracing
  message-in                  Execute this command  Configure allreceived message tracing
  message-out                     Configure send message Configuretracing
all events andstate-change packets tracing   configuration               Configure LACP state change Configure configuration tracing
admin@Xorplus# set protocols lacp traceoptions flag message-in disable false
admin@XorPlus# commit 
Commit OK.

##LACP per interface traceoptions.
admin@Xorplus# set protocols lacp traceoptions   Configure received message tracing
  message-outinterface ge-1/1/1 flag 
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>                      Configure sendExecute messagethis tracingcommand
  state-changeall                    Configure LLDP state change tracing admin@Xorplus# set protocols lldp traceoptionsConfigure flagall message-inevents disableand falsepackets admin@XorPlus#tracing
commit  Commitconfiguration OK.   ##LLDP per interface traceoptions. admin@Xorplus# set protocols lldp traceoptions interface ge-1/1/1 flag  Possible completions: Configure configuration <[Enter]>tracing
  message-in                    Execute this commandConfigure received message alltracing
  message-out                     Configure send message tracing
 Configure allstate-change events and packets tracing   configuration             Configure LACP state change tracing
admin@Xorplus# Configureset configurationprotocols tracinglacp traceoptions interface message-in                  ge-1/1/1 flag configuration disable false
admin@XorPlus# commit 
Commit OK.

Enable debug of UDLD:

Code Block
## UDLD global traceoptions.
admin@Xorplus# set protocols udld traceoptions 
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>    Configure received message tracing   message-out             Execute this command
  all   Configure send message tracing   state-change                    Configure all LLDPevents stateand changepackets tracing
  configuration  admin@Xorplus# set protocols lldp traceoptions interface ge-1/1/1 flag configuration disable false admin@XorPlus# commit  Commit OK.

Enable debug of LACP:

Code Block
## LACP globalConfigure traceoptions.configuration admin@Xorplus#tracing
set protocols lacpevent traceoptions flag  Possible completions:   <[Enter]>                   Configure event tracing
 Execute thisinterface command   all                   Interface name for tracing, such as ge-1/1/n    Configure all events and packets tracingor te-1/1/n
  packet       configuration                   Configure configurationthe sending/receiving packets tracing
  messageraw-inpacket                      Configure UDLD receivedraw messagepacket tracing
  messagestate-outchange                     Configure sendstate messagechange tracing
  timer    state-change                       Configure LACPUDLD statetimer change tracing
admin@Xorplus# set protocols lacpudld traceoptions flag message-inevent disable false
admin@XorPlus# commit 
Commit OK.

##LACP##UDLD per interface traceoptions.
admin@Xorplus# set protocols lacpudld traceoptions interface ge-1/1/1 flag 
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>                       Execute this command
  all                             Configure all events and packets tracing
  configuration                   Configure configuration tracing
  message-inevent                           Configure received message tracingevent tracing
  packet     message-out                     Configure send messagethe sending/receiving packet tracing
  stateraw-changepacket                      Configure LACP udld raw packet tracing
  state-change change tracing admin@Xorplus# set protocols lacp traceoptions interface ge-1/1/1 flag configuration disable false admin@XorPlus# commit  Commit OK.

Enable debug of UDLD:

Code Block
## UDLD globalConfigure traceoptions.state admin@Xorplus#change settracing
protocols udld traceoptionstimer  Possible completions:   <[Enter]>                     Configure udld Executetimer thistracing
commandadmin@Xorplus# set protocols alludld traceoptions interface ge-1/1/1 flag configuration disable false
admin@XorPlus# commit 
Commit OK.

Enable debug of BGP:

Code Block
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp traceoption flag ?
Possible completions:
<[Enter]> Execute this command
FSM Configure FSM state Configuretracing
all eventsConfigure andall packets tracing  operations
configuration Configure configuration tracing
damp Configure damp tracing
event Configure FSM Event tracing
keepalive Configure keepalive packet tracing
nexthop-resolution Configure configurationnexthop tracingresolution with RIB eventtracing
notification Configure notification packet tracing
notify-snmp Configure notify snmp tracing
open Configure open packet tracing
packet Configure all packet tracing operations
policy Configure policy configuration tracing
Configureraw-packet eventDump tracingraw packets BGP interfaceread from or send to sockets
route-refresh Configure route refresh packet tracing
timer Configure timers tracing
update Configure update packet tracing
admin@XorPlus# set protocols Interfacebgp nametraceoptions forflag tracing,all suchdisable as ge-1/1/n or te-1/1/n
  packet             false
admin@XorPlus# commit 
Commit OK.
Save done.

Enable debug of ospf:

Code Block
admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf traceoption flag ?
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>             Configure the sending/receiving packets tracing   raw-packet   Execute this command
  ism              Configure UDLD raw packet tracing   state-change        Configure tracing of OSPF interface state machine
  lsa   Configure state change tracing   timer                    Configure tracing of OSPF link state advertisement
Configure UDLD timernsm tracing admin@Xorplus# set protocols udld traceoptions event disable false admin@XorPlus# commit  Commit OK.    ##UDLD per interface traceoptions. admin@Xorplus# set protocols udld traceoptions interface ge-1/1/1 flag 
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]> Configure tracing of OSPF neighbor state machine
  packet                    Execute this command   all Configure tracing of OSPF packets
  zebra                     Configure all events and packets tracing Configure tracing configurationof zebra information

admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf traceoption packet all detail
admin@XorPlus# commit

Enable debug of stp:

Code Block
admin@XorPlus# set protocols spanning-tree traceoptions  Configure configuration tracing
  event interface ge-1/1/1 ?
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>                       Execute this command
Configure event tracingall   packet                          Configure theall sending/receiving packet tracingtracing operations
  raw-packet  bridge-detection-machine        Configure bridge detection state machine tracing
  configuration                 Configure udld rawConfigure packetconfiguration tracing
  state-changeevents                    Configure state change tracing   timerConfigure events tracing
  message-in                      Configure udldreceive timermessage tracing
admin@Xorplus#  setmessage-out protocols udld traceoptions interface ge-1/1/1 flag configuration disable false admin@XorPlus# commit  Commit OK.

Enable debug of BGP:

Code Block
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp traceoptions flag ? PossibleConfigure completions:
<[Enter]> Execute this command
FSM Configure FSM state tracing
all Configure all tracing operations
configuration Configure configuration tracing
damp Configure damp tracing
event Configure FSM Event tracing
keepalive Configure keepalive packet tracing
nexthop-resolution Configure nexthop resolution with RIB tracing
notification Configure notification packet tracing
notify-snmp Configure notify snmp tracing
open Configure open packet tracing
packet Configure all packet tracing operations
policy Configure policy configuration tracing
raw-packet Dump raw packets BGP read from or send to sockets
route-refresh Configure route refresh packet tracing
timer Configure timers tracing
update Configure update packet tracing
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp traceoptions flag all disable false
admin@XorPlus# commit 
Commit OK.
Save done.


Enable debug of ospf4:

Code Block
admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf4 traceoptions flag ?
Possible completions:
<[Enter]> Execute this command
adjacency-event Configure tracing of adjacency events
all Configure all tracing operations
config Configure tracing of configuration
database-description Configure tracing of database description packets
event Configure tracing of OSPF state machine events
flooding Configure tracing of lsa flooding
hello Configure tracing of hello packets
lsa-ack Configure tracing of LSA acknowledgment packets
lsa-generation Configure tracing of lsa-generation events
lsa-request Configure tracing of LSA request packets
lsa-update Configure tracing of LSA update packets
packets Configure tracing of all OSPF packets
retransmission Configure tracing of lsa-packets retransmission
route Configure tracing of routing information
spt Configure tracing of spt calculations
timer Configure tracing of routing protocol timer processing
admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf4 traceoptions flag all disable false
admin@XorPlus# commit


Enable debug of stp:

Code Block
admin@XorPlus# set protocols spanning-tree traceoptions interface ge-1/1/1 ?
Possible completions:
<[Enter]> Execute this command
all Configure all tracing operations
bridge-detection-machine Configure bridge detection state machine tracing
configuration Configure configuration tracing
events Configure events tracing
message-in Configure receive message tracing
message-out Configure send message tracing
port-information-machine Configure port information state machine tracing
port-migration-machine Configure port migration state machine tracing
port-receive-machine Configure port receive state machine tracing
port-role-selection-machine Configure port role selection state machine tracing
port-role-transition-machine Configure port role transition state machine tracing
port-state-transition-machine Configure port state transition state machine tracing
port-transmit-machine Configure port transmit state machine tracing
state-machine-variables Configure state machine variables tracing
timers Configure timers tracing
topology-change-machine Configure topology change state machine tracing

admin@XorPlus# set protocols spanning-tree traceoptions interface ge-1/1/1 all disable false
admin@XorPlus# commit 
Commit OK.
Save done.


Enable debug of igmp:

Code Block
admin@XorPlus# set protocols igmp traceoptions flag ?
Possible completions:
<[Enter]> Execute this command
all Configure all tracing operations
event Configure event tracing
leave Configure leave tracing
query Configure query tracing
report Configure report tracingsend message tracing
  mlag                            Configure mlag tracing
  port-information-machine        Configure port information state machine tracing
  port-migration-machine          Configure port migration state machine tracing
  port-receive-machine            Configure port receive state machine tracing
  port-role-selection-machine     Configure port role selection state machine tracing
  port-role-transition-machine    Configure port role transition state machine tracing
  port-state-transition-machine   Configure port state transition state machine tracing
  port-transmit-machine           Configure port transmit state machine tracing
  state-machine-variables         Configure state machine variables tracing
  timers                          Configure timers tracing
  topology-change-machine         Configure topology change state machine tracing

admin@XorPlus# set protocols spanning-tree traceoptions interface ge-1/1/1 all disable false
admin@XorPlus# commit 
Commit OK.
Save done.

Enable debug of igmp:

Code Block
admin@XorPlus# set protocols igmp traceoption ?
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>                       Execute this command
  events                          IGMP protocol events
  packets                         IGMP protocol packets
  trace                           IGMP internal daemon activity

admin@XorPlus# set protocols igmp traceoptions flag all disable falsetraceoption events
admin@XorPlus# commit 
Commit OK.
Save done.


When the device crashes, it will create a core file which can be found in a directory called pica/core.

Code Block
admin@XorPlus$pwdadmin@R2:/pica/core$ pwd

Find the last_death file for Troubleshooting

You can view the last_death file after the device crashes. It will record the last log message and is located in /var/log directory.

Code Block
admin@XorPlus$pwdadmin@R2:/pica/core$ cd /var/log
apt dmesg fsck/
admin@R2:/var/log$ ls
btmp   faillog  fsck        lastlog   messages  report_diag.log
dmesg  frr      last_death lastlog lighttpd  messagesprivate news ntpstats wtmp