Versions Compared


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Table of Contents



  •   You need to log in through the console port of the switch and perform the ONIE installation described in this section.
  •   The installation method described in this section only applies to platforms that have pre-installed ONIE.

Mind Map of Installation Process

Figure1 shows the mind map of PICOS installation process.


Code Block
host pica8-3922 {
hardware ethernet 70:72:cf:12:34:56;
option default-url = "";


The installation methods described in Traditional Installation must be performed through the console port. If you want to install the system through a non-console port, you can use the nos-boot-mode command to perform the installation which is described in this section.

Usage of nos-boot-mode command:

admin@Xorplus$sudo nos-boot-mode                            


    install or uninstall NOS(es)


    nos-boot-mode [install|uninstall]


    install- Install NOS

uninstall- Remove all NOS(es) including PICOS

When nos-boot-mode install command is executed, PICOS will switch to ONIE install mode, and the user should go on to complete the subsequent installation. The steps for the manual installation process and the automatic installation process using the nos-boot-mode install command are described below.

When nos-boot-mode unsinstall command is executed, the system will remove all NOS(es) including PICOS from the device. Therefore, it is suggested to use the nos-boot-mode unsinstall command with caution.

Manual Installation Process

Step1         Make sure that the installation package of .bin file has been loaded to the server (server could be HTTP, TFTP, or an FTP server or the switch local directory depending on the actual installation environment).
