Once the desired configurations are set and the network is stable, you might want to make sure accidental changes don’t disrupt operations. When you make a configuration change such as adding devices or a VLAN, it is important to back up your configuration.
AmpCon-DC makes this really configuration backup simple by automating config backups and scheduling configuration backup on a specified schedulespecifed date and time, and saving the last n backups (default=100), which can be used . You can use the backup configuration to recover quickly from a crash or corruption of a switch. And it allows marking In addition, you can mark a specific backup instance as the “Golden Config” which Golden Config. The Golden Config will never be deleted and used by default as the config to rollback the configuration to roll back a switch to a stable configuration in case when the switch operation is compromised. The Golden Config can also be used as the basis to run an automated compliance check to verify that the network is operating as designed.