After you import the new license, the All Licenses table is refreshed.
a License
If you don’t need to manage one or multiple switchesa switch, you can invalidate the licenses on these switchesswitch. Follow these steps:
Note: A Hardware ID might exist in multiple license keys. Ensure that you invalidate the correct license. If all imported licenses for a Hardware ID are invalidated, the switch with the Hardware ID cannot be deployed with AmpCon-DC. In addition, switches that have been deployed will be removed from the switch list on the “Switch” page.
Click Show Invalid Code to copy the invalid code.
Invalidate the license Verify revoke code in the License Portal to release the license.
Log in to the License Portal, and then click AmpCon Licenses > Verify Revoke Code.
In the Software Type drop-down list, select Ampcon-DC.
Use either of the following ways:
After you invalidate a license, if the license status is not updated immediately, click Refresh on the “License Management” page.
After you invalidate licensesthe license, you can see that the available licenses increase in the License Portal.