You can verify whether PicOS licenses are valid or not by using the License Audit feature. Or you can verify whether PicOS licenses are valid and extend expired PicOS licenses by using the License Action feature.
Check the License Status and License Expiry columns. License expiry means the expiration date of the PicOS license. License status means the current status of the PicOS license.
Optional: Select the newly generated report from the drop-down list, and then click View Report.
Note: The View Report button is applicable to only License Action operations based on groups.
Verifying License Validity and Extending
By using the License Action feature, you can verify whether PicOS licenses are valid and extend expired PicOS licenses if these PicOS licenses are extended in the License Portal.
Verifying and Extending the PicOS License for a Switch
Click Yes.
Check the License Status and License Expiry columns. License expiry means the expiration date of the PicOS license. License status means the current status of the PicOS license.
Optional: Click Log to view the License Action logging information.
Verifying and Extending PicOS Licenses for a Group of Switches
By default, when you deploy a switch with AmpCon™AmpCon-DC, AmpCon-DC installs the PicOS license based on License Portal URL, username, and password information in the system configuration.
In the SN field, enter the SN of the switch with the uploaded PicOS license.
In the License field, enter the local PicOS license key.
Click Save.