Adding a global System Config
The first time you log in to AmpCon-DC, the global System Config is blank. You must add information to the global System Config. Follow these steps:
Log in to the AmpCon-DC UI, and click Service > System Config.
On the System Config page, enter the following information:
Configuration Name: The name of the configuration.
Device Default Login User: The default user name of the switch (admin).
Device Default Password: The default password of the default user (pica8). Device Default Login User + Device Default Password are used to access the switches.
License Portal URL:
License Portal User: The user ID for the License Portal.
License Portal Password: The password of the user for the License Portal. License Portal URL + License Portal User + License Portal Password are used to send requests to the License Portal.
Config Backup Number: Optional. The maximum backup number for the config snapshots.
Security Config File: The .txt file with PICOS security-related set CLIs. Before configuring and using a switch, the switch needs to be configured with an initial security configuration to eliminate any unauthorized access. You need to create a .txt file with PICOS security-related set CLIs. Security Config file is loaded to switch at the beginning of ZTP process.
Parking Security Config File: To eliminate any unauthorized access, switches in the parking lot need to be configured with an initial parking security configuration. That is, configurations in Initial parking security config file will be pushed to switches that already registered to AmpCon-DC but without generated configurations.
The username and password configured in step 2 are always used by AmpCon-DC to SSH to switches. So ensure that configurations in the Security Config file and the Parking Security Config file don’t make AmpCon-DC fail to log in to the switch. If special "Device default login user" + "Device default password" are specified in site configuration, then it will not work with global parking security config file.
Since when switches register to AmpCon as unkown switches, it will automatically load parking security configuration file which may refuse SSH login with the configured "Device default login user" + "Device default password" in site configuration. In this case, user should update global parking security with empty file content.
Allow Switch Source IP:
Click Save.
Adding non-global System Config
If the default username and password for some switches are different from the ones specified in the global System Config, you can add a new System Config.
Log in to the AmpCon-DC UI, and click Service > System Config.
Click the + icon. The Add New System Config page opens.
Enter the information:
Configuration Name: The name of the configuration.
Device Default Login User: The default user name of the switch (admin).
Device Default Password: The default password of the default user (pica8). Device Default Login User + Device Default Password are used to access the switches.
License Portal URL:
License Portal User: The user ID for the License Portal.
License Portal Password: The password of the user for the License Portal. License Portal URL + License Portal User + License Portal Password are used to send requests to the License Portal.
Security Config File: The .txt file with PICOS security-related set CLIs. Before configuring and using a switch, the switch needs to be configured with an initial security configuration to eliminate any unauthorized access. You need to create a .txt file with PICOS security-related set CLIs. Security Config file is loaded to switch at the beginning of ZTP process.
Click Add.
After you add the non-global System Config, you can do the following actions:
To view the switch information associated with the System Config, click View Associated Switch on the System Config page.
To apply a System Config to specific switches, click Manage Switch, select the switches, and click Save.
To remove a System Config, click View Associated Switch to confirm whether the System Config is not in use by any switches. If yes, click Remove.
Note: If the System Config to be removed is still associated with switches, the removal will fail.
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