AmpCon™-Campus is the control center for all switch licensing. It tracks the current switch entitlement and allows the appropriate number of switches to be managed by AmpCon-Campus. AmpCon-Campus needs a valid license with active support to perform all its functions.
The following license types are provided:
Trial license: The trial period lasts for 90 days + additional 14 days. After expiration, you must install a formal license to continue using AmpCon-Campus.
Formal license: After a formal license is installed, you cannot install a trial license.
After the AmpCon-Campus server is installed, you need to installing the AmpCon-Campus license. So you need to create an AmpCon-Campus license.
Obtain the Hardware ID of each switch that you want to manage by running the following commands in each switch:
run start shell sh sudo license -s |
Creating a License
To create an AmpCon-Campus license, follow these steps:
Log in to the License Portal, and click AmpCon Licenses > New AmpCon License.
Note: You can get the License Portal URL, user name, and password from the sales team.
Enter the following information:
Software Type: Select Ampcon-Campus.
Software Version: Select Ampcon-Campus 2.0.0.
Device Type: From the drop-down list, select a device type.
Feature Type: Select Foundation. Currently, only the Foundation feature type is supported.
License Type: Select Trial License or Standard License.
License Name: The name of the license.
In the Addition Method section, select either of the following ways:
Form input: Enter the Hardware IDs of switches to be managed with AmpCon-Campus and the expiration date.
File upload: Upload a .xlsx file with the Hardware IDs of switches to be managed with AmpCon-Campus and the expiration date.
Click Add Ampcon License.
Then, the AmpCon-Campus license is created. After the AmpCon-Campus server is installed, you need to import the license so that you can use the AmpCon-Campus UI. For more information, see Installing the AmpCon-Campus license.
Optional: Editing a License
After you create the AmpCon-Campus license, if you want to manage a new switch with AmpCon-Campus, you can edit the license. Follow these steps:
Log in to the License Portal, and click Ampcon Licenses.
ocate the license that you want to edit, and click the edit icon in the Total hw-ids column.
Click the add device icon, and enter the Hardware ID and expiration date of the new device that you want to manage.
Click Save.