How to confirm whether the MAC address table has been correctly synchronized?

How to confirm whether the MAC address table has been correctly synchronized?

The MLAG peer switches synchronize MAC address table to each other using MAC synchronization message. Only when MLAG neighbor state changes to ESTABLISHED and there is a change in the MAC table, the MAC Sync message will be sent.

 To check whether the MAC address tables on both peer devices are consistent, use run show mac-address table command to show MAC address table on each MLAG peer device. A MAC address entry contains the VLAN ID, destination MAC address, entry type, aging time and outbound interface.

 For details about how MAC tables are synchronized between the MLAG peer devices, see section MAC Synchronization in Principle of MLAG.

 For example, when showing MAC address table on each MLAG peer devices after the system automatically completed MAC synchronization, the MAC address should be synced to each other on the MLAG peer devices.

admin@SwitchA# run show mac-address table
Total entries in switching table:   3
Static entries in switching table:  0
Dynamic entries in switching table: 3 

VLAN      MAC address      Type         Age     Interfaces         User
----         -----------------     ---------        ----     ----------------       ------
1         08:9e:01:61:64:13   Dynamic      300      ge-1/1/2           xorp
1         cc:37:ab:4f:ad:01    Peer-Sync     300      ae1               xorp
4088      8c:ea:1b:88:5b:81    Peer-Sync     300       ae3               xorp

admin@SwitchB# run show mac-address table
Total entries in switching table:   3
Static entries in switching table:  0
Dynamic entries in switching table: 3 

VLAN      MAC address      Type         Age     Interfaces         User
----         -----------------     ---------        ----     ----------------       ------
1         8c:ea:1b:88:5b:81   Dynamic      300     ae4              xorp
1         cc:37:ab:4f:ad:01    Dynamic      300      ae1              xorp
4088      08:9e:01:61:64:13    Peer-Sync      300     ae3              xorp

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