set protocols ospf area filter-list prefix

Run the command set protocols ospf area filter-list prefix to create a filter list which acts as an access list for route advertisement in OSPF. This command filters Type-3 summary-LSAs to or from area using prefix lists. Keywords in or out is used to specify the inbound or outbound direction for the filter list. Optional parameter instance-id can be included to specify the OSPFv2 multi-instance ID in the default VRF. The optional parameter vrf can be used to specify OSFPv2 instance for a particular VRF. If VRF is not defined then OSPFv2 instance takes effect for the default VRF.

Multiple instances of OSPF are only allowed in the default VRF. A maximum of 8 instance can be configured in the default VRF. In non-default VRFs, only single instance OSPF can be configured.

Run the command delete protocols ospf area filter-list prefix to delete this configuration.

Command Syntax.

set protocols ospf [instance-id <instance-id> vrf <vrf-name>] area {<ipv4>|<area-id>} {in|out} filter-list prefix <prefix-list-v4> 

delete protocols ospf [instance-id <instance-id> | vrf <vrf-name>] area {<ipv4>|<area-id>} {in|out} filter-list prefix <prefix-list-v4>




instance-id <instance-id>Optional, specifies the OSPF instance ID. The value is an integer that ranges from 1 to 8.

vrf <vrf-name>

Optional. Specifies the name of the VRF for the OSPF instance.

area {<ipv4>|<area-id>}Specifies the OSPF area, the value could be in IPv4 dotted decimal format or an integer ranging from 0 to 4294967295.
prefix <prefix-list>Specifies the filter list name.
inSpecifies the inbound direction.
outSpecifies the outbound direction.


  •  Configure prefix list1 for VRF BLUE, area in the outbound direction.
admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf vrf BLUE area out prefix-list prefix list1
admin@Xorplus# commit

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