Backup and Restore AmpCon Database Securely for Disaster Recovery Purpose

The following steps will backup AmpCon database and encrypt the saved contents:

  1. Use the following Linux command to back up the entire AmpCon database:
    mysqldump -u<user name> -p<password> --databases automation > /root/automation/db_backup/automation_backup.sql
    The above command will back up all the tables of automation database to the following file
  2. Encrypt the backup file with following command by using a password(<secret-pin>)

   cd /root/automation/db_backup

   openssl aes-256-cbc -e  -in automation_backup.sql -out sql.enc  -k ‘<secret-pin>’

The following steps will decrypt the saved contents and restore the AmpCon database when needed:

  1. Decrypt the saved database using the following command:
    openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in sql.enc -out automation_backup.sql -k <secret-pin>
  2. Stop the automation UI process using the following command:
    systemctl stop automation
  3. set the foreign_key_checks to off as follows:
    mysql -u<user name> -p<password> -e 'SET GLOBAL FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0'
  4. Use the following Linux commands to restore the AmpCon automation database from a backup file as follows:
    mysql -u<user name> -p<password> automation < /root/automation/db_backup/automation_backup.sql
  5. set the foreign_key_checks back to on as follows:
    mysql -u<user name> -p<password> -e 'SET GLOBAL FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1'
  6. Restart the automation UI process using the following command:
    systemctl restart automation

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