The copy running-config startup-config command saves the running configuration file from the RAM to the flash.
Warning: This command is supported only on FS S5810 Series and S5860 Series switches, and you have to do configuration saving by running this command. This specific save command is requested by hardware vendor due to the Flash limitation on numbers of write/erase cycles. |
Command Syntax
copy running-config startup-config
Usage Guidelines
When performing the following operations, you need to manually issue the configuration saving command to save the configuration file from the RAM to the flash.
- Perform picos_boot
- Set L2 / L3 CLI commands (for the L2 / L3 CLI configuration, you need to issue the commit command before saving the configuration to flash)
- Set OVS commands
- Set CrossFlow commands
You can use either one of the following two methods to save your configuration, using the save_config command or the copy running-config startup-config command:
- Method 1: Under Linux bash, issue the following command manually (When setting OVS commands, you can only use this command to save the configuration file):
admin@Xorplus$ sudo save_config
- Method 2: In the L2/L3 CLI operating mode, issue the following command manually:
admin@Xorplus> copy running-config startup-config
• Save the running configuration file from the RAM to the flash after setting the L2 / L3 CLI commands.
admin@Xorplus# set protocols vrrp interface vlan100 vrid 2 disable true admin@Xorplus# set protocols vrrp interface vlan100 vrid 2 admin@Xorplus# commit Merging the configuration. Commit OK. Save done. admin@Xorplus# quit admin@Xorplus> copy running-config startup-config