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You can import new licenses to manage new switches or invalidate switches licenses if you don’t need to manage these switches. In addition, you can check the validity of a switch license or update the AmpCon™-DC UI with latest license status. The search and refresh features can help you locate licenses easily.

Adding Local Licenses


Auditing Licenses

Auditing the License for a Switch

To check the validity of a switch license, follow these steps:

  1. In the AmpCon-DC UI, click Authority Management > Device License Management.

  2. In the License Audit tab, locate a license, and then click License Audit.

  1. Click Yes.

4. Click Log to view the license audit logging information.


Auditing Licenses for a Group of Switches

To check the license validity for a group of switches, follow these steps:

  1. In the AmpCon-DC UI, click Authority Management > Device License Management.

  2. In the License Audit tab, select a group name from the Group Name drop-down list, and then click License Audit.

  1. Select the newly generated report from the drop-down list, and then click View Report.

Note: The View Report button is applicable to only License Action operations based on groups.


Verifying License Validity and Updating License Status

Verifying and Updating the License for a Switch

  1. In the AmpCon-DC UI, click Authority Management > Device License Management.

  2. Click the License Action tab.

  3. Locate a license, and then click License Action.

  1. Click Yes.

  2. Click Log to view the License Action logging information.

Verifying and Updating Licenses for a Group of Switches

  1. In the AmpCon-DC UI, click Authority Management > Device License Management.

  2. Click the License Action tab.

  3. Select a group name from the Group Name drop-down list, and then click License Action to verify and update the switch licenses.

  1. Select the newly generated report from the drop-down list, and then click View Report.

Note: The View Report button is applicable to only License Action operations based on groups.

Importing Licenses

After you update the AmpCon-DC license in the License Portal as described in Editing a License, you need to import the new license to AmpCon-DC. Follow these steps:

  1. Get the new license from the License Portal.

    1. Log in to the License Portal, and click AmpCon Licenses.

    2. Click Copy to copy the license string or click Download to download the .lic license file.

  1. In the AmpCon-DC UI, click System > License Management.

  2. On the “License Management” page, click Import.

  3. Select either of the following ways to import licenses:

  • Select Copy License.txt, and paste the license strings that you copied in step 1.b to the License Key box.

  • Select Copy License.lic, and then upload the .lic license file that you downloaded in step 1.b in the License key selection box.

  1. Click Apply.

After you import the new license, the All Licenses table is refreshed.

Invalidating Licenses     

If you don’t need to manage one or multiple switches, you can invalidate licenses on these switches. Follow these steps:

Note: A Hardware ID might exist in multiple license keys. Ensure that you invalidate the correct license. If all imported licenses for a Hardware ID are invalidated, the switch with the Hardware ID cannot be deployed with AmpCon-DC. In addition, switches that have been deployed will be removed from the switch list on the “Switch” page.

  1. In the AmpCon-DC UI, click System > License management.

  2. Select the license file and the Hardware ID to invalidate, and then click Invalid License.

  1. In the pop-up window, click Yes.

You can see the invalid code is displayed in a pop-up window. The status of the license is changed to "Invalid," and show invalid code in the Operation column is shown as clickable instead of grayed out.

  1. Click Show Invalid Code to copy the invalid code.

  2. Invalidate the license in the License Portal.

    1. Log in to the License Portal, and then click AmpCon Licenses > Verify Revoke Code.

    2. In the Software Type drop-down list, select Ampcon-DC.

    3. Use either of the following ways:

- In the Addition Method section, select Form Input. In the Revoke Code field, paste the invalid code that you copied in step 4.


- In the Addition Method section, select File Upload. Click Blank template to download a template. Open the template, and enter invalid codes in the template .xlsx file. Then, upload the file.

  1. Click Save.

After you invalidate a license, if the license status is not updated immediately, click Refresh on the “License Management” page.

After you invalidate licenses, you can see the available licenses increase in the License Portal.


Refreshing Licenses

To get the latest license information from the License Management page, follow these steps:

  1. In the AmpCon-DC UI, click System > License management.

  2. Click Refresh.


Search for Licenses

To search for specific licenses in the License Management page, enter a keyword in the search box.

Except for the Operation column, other columns support both ascending and descending sorting.



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