Preparing Licenses

Preparing Licenses

AmpCon-DC is the control center for all switch licensing. It tracks the current switch entitlement and allows the appropriate number of switches to be managed by AmpCon-DC. AmpCon-DC needs a valid license with active support to perform all its functions.

The following license types are provided:

  • Trial license: The trial period lasts for 90 days and an additional 14 days. After the trial license is expired, you must install a formal license to continue using AmpCon-DC.

  • Formal license: After a formal license is installed, you cannot install a trial license.

After you install the AmpCon-DC server, the AmpCon-DC license needs to be imported as described in Importing the AmpCon-DC License. So, you must prepare an AmpCon-DC license.


Obtain the Hardware ID of each switch that you want to manage by running the following commands in each switch:

run start shell sh

run start shell sh

sudo license -s

sudo license -s


Creating a License

To create an AmpCon-DC license, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the License Portal, and then click AmpCon Licenses > New AmpCon License.

Note: You can get the username and password of the License Portal from the sales team.

  1. Input the following information:

  • Software Type: Select AmpCon-DC.

  • Software Version: Select AmpCon-DC 2.1.0.

  • Device Type: From the drop-down list, select a device type.

  • Feature Type: Select Foundation. Currently, only the Foundation feature type is supported.

  • License Type: Select Trial License or Standard License.

  • License Name: The name of the license.

  1. In the Addition Method section, select either of the following ways:

  • Form input: Enter the Hardware IDs of switches to be managed with AmpCon-DC, and select the expiration date.

  • File upload: Click Upload to upload a .xlsx file with the Hardware IDs of switches to be managed with AmpCon-DC and the expiration date. You can click Blank template to download a .xlsx template file.

  1. Click Add AmpCon License.

Copying or Downloading a License

Copy the license string or download the .lic file, which will be used when you import the AmpCon-DC license.

  1. Log in to the License Portal, and then click AmpCon Licenses.

  2. Click Copy to copy the license string, or click Download to download the .lic license file.


Optional: Editing a License

After you create an AmpCon-DC license, if you want to manage new switches with AmpCon-DC, you can edit the license. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the License Portal, and click AmpCon Licenses.

  2. Locate the license that you want to edit, and click the edit icon in the Total hw-ids column.

  3. Click the Add Device icon, enter the Hardware ID of each new switch that you want to manage, and select the expiration date.

  1. Click Save.

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