Password Recovery for AS4610 Series Switches
This guide provides the procedure for recovering the admin account password login from the ETH interface for AS4610 series switches. If you forget the admin password, use the password recovery procedure to reset the admin password.
Step1 Login to the switch through the console port.
Step2 Power cycle the switch.
Step3 Enter uboot prompt. Please hit any key when see the message "Hit any key to stop autoboot:" on console display.
.... Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 accton_as4610-54->
Step4 Issue "run onie_rescue" to enter ONIE recue mode.
accton_as4610-54-> run onie_rescue
Step5 Enter ONIE prompt. Please hit any key when see the following message on console display.
... Please press Enter to activate this console. etc_watchdog can't access PHY, forcing link up ... ONIE:/ #
Step6 Issue command "blkid" to see which partitions (where LABEL="PicOS2" and LABEL="PicOS") are used by PicOS. If your outputs are different from what show below, please forward us the outputs.
ONIE:/ # blkid /dev/sda4: LABEL="User-Data" UUID="14574a7e-34fb-450c-be05-690a71e023d9" /dev/sda1: LABEL="ACCTON-DIAG" UUID="aa56682f-b0f1-4087-8722-42b16a5703ab" /dev/sda3: LABEL="PicOS2" UUID="3d744634-4c03-4d53-9d04-33205f0606a8" /dev/sda2: LABEL="PicOS" UUID="afffc6ab-2983-4452-9e90-7a653fef9a90"
Step7 According to the above outputs, there are two partitions (/dev/sda2 and /dev/sda3) installed PicOS. Here, we modify shadow file on both partitions.
a) Mount /dev/sda2.
ONIE:/ # mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/
b) Edit shadow file.
ONIE:/ # vi /mnt/etc/shadow
c) Remove ‘admin’ password.
Change the following line from:
admin::15385:0:99999:7::: //Remove the string between the first and the second colon
d) Execute "sync" command.
ONIE:/ # sync
Step8 Repeat the steps from a) to d) in Step7 on /dev/sda3.
The subsequent steps are distinguished between devices currently running in OVS and L2/L3 mode. Please choose the appropriate steps according to the PicOS mode.
Note: You can refer to the document Checking PicOS Mode to check the current PicOS mode of the device.
- If the running PicOS mode is L2/L3 mode, go to L2/L3 Mode.
- If the running PicOS mode is OVS mode, go to OVS Mode.
L2/L3 Mode:
Step9 Modify the configuration file.
ONIE:/# vi pica/config/pica_startup.boot
In the pica_startup.boot file, you will find lines starting with “user admin {“, remove lines of user admin configurations.
For example, remove the following six lines in configuration file.
user admin { authentication { plain-text-password: "$1$zL8TUrpq$/Y1tcx1IhwPkm6HEd4aEM/" } class: "super-user" }
Save and exit with “:wq”.
Copy the configuration file to the backup file.
ONIE:/# cp /mnt/pica/config/pica_startup.boot /mnt/backup/pica/config/pica_startup.boot ONIE:/# sync
Step10 Umount and reboot the switch.
# umount /mnt # reboot
Step11 When you see PicOS login again, you can log in by the admin user without a password.
Step12 Set a new admin password using the following CLI commands and save the configuration.
root@XorPlus# set system login user admin authentication plain-text-password pica8 //Please enter the new password root@XorPlus# set system login user admin class "super-user" root@XorPlus# commit
After the above steps, you can log into the system with the new password.
OVS Mode:
Step9 Umount and reboot the switch.
# umount /mnt # reboot
Step10 Set a new admin password with passwd admin command and save the configuration. The commands are illustrated here:
root@XorPlus:~$ passwd admin Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully root@XorPlus:~$ save_config
After the above steps, you can log into the system with the new password.
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