Configuring ports in bridge
Adding ports in bridge
Adding access port
In the example below, the user creates a bridge named br0, using the set bridge command. With the add-port command, add access ports, ge-1/1/1 and ge-1/1/2, to br0. The default PVID for both ports is 1.
root@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl add-br br0 root@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl add-port br0 ge-1/1/1 vlan_mode=access tag=1 -- set Interface ge-1/1/1 type=pica8 root@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl add-port br0 ge-1/1/2 vlan_mode=access tag=1 -- set Interface ge-1/1/2 type=pica8 root@PicOS-OVS$
If the user wants to allow use of a DAC line, user should enable DAC.
root@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl add-port br0 te-1/1/49 vlan_mode=access tag=1 -- set Interface te-1/1/49 type=pica8 options:is_dac=true
Adding Trunk Port
PicOS supports 802.1Q trunk ports (since PicOS 2.1). Each port has a default VLAN-ID; and by default, the VLAN-ID is 1. If user wants a port to belong to more than one VLAN, use the vlan mode=trunk command. When user specifies one port to a trunk port (tag=1), this port is the trunk port, the PVID is the tag number, and this port belongs to all the other VLANs (2-4094).
In the example below, the user specifies the VLAN mode to equal trunk, and then specifies the VLANs in the trunks:
root@PicOS-OVS$ ovs-vsctl add-port br0 ge-1/1/4 vlan_mode=trunk tag=1 trunks=1000 -- set Interface ge-1/1/4 type=pica8 root@PicOS-OVS$
Setting the Port Link Speed
The trunk port can carry all VLANs if the user does not specify the trunks field, as shown below.
root@PicOS-OVS$ ovs-vsctl add-port br0 te-1/1/49 vlan_mode=access tag=1 -- set Interface te-1/1/49 type=pica8 options:link_speed=1G root@PicOS-OVS$
Modify port ofport
PicOS support modify port ofport,for example,modify ofport of te-1/1/69 from 69 to 190.
admin@PICOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl set interface te-1/1/69 ofport_request=190 admin@PICOS-OVS$ovs-ofctl show br0 OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY (OF1.4) (xid=0x2): dpid:0x1c488cea1b174fc4(2038033768489897924) n_tables:254, n_buffers:256 capabilities: FLOW_STATS TABLE_STATS PORT_STATS GROUP_STATS OFPST_PORT_DESC reply (OF1.4) (xid=0x3): 70(te-1/1/70): addr:8c:ea:1b:17:4f:c4 config: 0 state: LINK_UP current: 10GB-FD FIBER advertised: 1GB-FD 10GB-FD FIBER supported: 1GB-FD 10GB-FD FIBER AUTO_NEG speed: 10000 Mbps now, 10000 Mbps max 190(te-1/1/69): addr:8c:ea:1b:17:4f:c4 config: 0 state: LINK_UP current: 10GB-FD FIBER advertised: 1GB-FD 10GB-FD FIBER supported: 1GB-FD 10GB-FD FIBER AUTO_NEG speed: 10000 Mbps now, 10000 Mbps max
Setting FEC in port
Forwarding Error Correction (FEC) is a technique used for controlling errors in data transmission over unreliable or noisy communication channels. The sender sends the data together with a certain redundant error correction code. When the data is received at the receiver’s end, it is checked according to the error correction code. If an error is found, the receiver recognizes it and corrects the error without data retransmission.
The FEC function can be applied to 100G, 40G and 25G ports of the switch and works only when all of the three following conditions are matched:
- FEC function is enabled on both ends of the link.
- Optical modules are plugged in.
- Interface rate is auto or at the default value, i.g. 100G optical port works at 100Gb/s.
PICOS offers FEC algorithm RS-FEC (CL91) on 100G port and FEC BASE-R (CL74) on 40G port.
For 25G port, PICOS offers two different FEC algorithms on different switch platforms:
Trident 3, Maverick2, Helix5 and Tomahawk 2 platform switches support RS-FEC (CL108) mode, Tomahawk+/Tomahawk platform switches support BASE-R (CL74) mode.
The port can link up only when the FEC configurations and the FEC algorithm mode on both ends of the link are the same.
Configuration Example
root@PicOS-OVS$ ovs-vsctl add-port br0 xe-1/1/1 -- set Interface xe-1/1/1 type=pica8 options:use_fec=true root@PicOS-OVS$ root@PicOS-OVS$ ovs-vsctl add-port br0 xe-1/1/1 -- set Interface xe-1/1/1 type=pica8 options:use_fec=false root@PicOS-OVS$
Add Bond Ports
PicOS supports bond multiple ports as in_port or output, and this virtual port does not influence each physical port's forwarding packets. That mean the physical port which adds in bond port also can be configured as lag/gre/l2gre/vxlan and others.
Bonding port ge-1/1/1 ~ ge-1/1/4 as one port.
// add portsovs-vsctl add-br br0 -- set bridge br0 datapath_type=pica8 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 ge-1/1/1 vlan_mode=trunk tag=1 -- set Interface ge-1/1/1 type=pica8 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 ge-1/1/2 vlan_mode=trunk tag=1 -- set Interface ge-1/1/2 type=pica8 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 ge-1/1/3 vlan_mode=trunk tag=1 -- set Interface ge-1/1/3 type=pica8 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 ge-1/1/4 vlan_mode=trunk tag=1 -- set Interface ge-1/1/4 type=pica8 // add bond ports ovs-vsctl add-port br0 bond1 -- set Interface bond1 type=pica8_bond ovs-vsctl set Interface bond1 options:members=ge-1/1/2,ge-1/1/3,ge-1/1/4 // add flows ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=2049,actions=1 ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=1,actions=2049
Port other_config
admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl set port te-1/1/1 other_config:stp-path-cost=10 admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl set port te-1/1/1 other_config:stp-port-num=20 admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl set port te-1/1/1 other_config:stp-port-priority=255
Interface options
1)Interface options:
admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl set interface te-1/1/1 options:link_speed=1G
Note:speed value support to configure 40G,100G,25G,10G,1G,100M,10M and auto.
admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl set interface te-1/1/1 options:mtu=1500 admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl set Interface te-1/1/1 options:flow_ctl=tx_rx
Note:flow control value support tx,rx,tx_rx and none.
admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl set interface xe-1/1/1 options:use_fec=true
admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl -- set Interface ae1 options:lag_type=lacp admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl -- set Interface ae1 options:members=ge-1/1/1,ge-1/1/2 admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl -- set Interface ae1 options:lacp-system-id=00:11:11:11:11:11 admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl -- set Interface ae1 options:lacp-time=fast | slow admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl -- set Interface ae1 options:lacp-system-priority=32768 admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl -- set Interface ae1 options:lacp-mode=active | passive admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl -- set Interface te-1/1/1 options:lacp-port-id=2 admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl -- set Interface te-1/1/1 options:lacp-port-priority=32768 admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl -- set Interface te-1/1/1 options:lacp-aggregation-key=0
admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl set Interface te-1/1/1 options:link-fault-signaling=ignore-none
Note:it support ignore-none, ignore-local, ignore-remote and ignore-both.
admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl set Interface te-1/1/1 options:up-mode=true
admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl set interface te-1/1/1 options:tpid=0x8100
Note:tpid support 0x8100,0x88a8,0x9100 and 0x9200.
admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl set interface te-1/1/1 options:access-vport=true
Note:default value is false.
6)Loop the traffic which out from switch back to switch again.
admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl set interface te-1/1/1 options:loopback=true
admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl add-port br0 gre1 -- set Interface gre1 type=pica8_gre options:remote_ip= options:local_ip= options:vlan=1 options:src_mac=00:11:11:11:11:11 options:dst_mac=00:22:22:22:22:22 options:egress_port=te-1/1/1
admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl add-port br0 l2gre1 -- set interface l2gre1 type=pica8_l2gre options:remote_ip= options:local_ip= options:vlan=199 options:l2gre_key=1234 options:src_mac=C8:0A:A9:49:1A:99 options:dst_mac=00:00:00:11:11:11 options:egress_port=te-1/1/1
admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl add-port br0 vxlan1 -- set interface vxlan1 type=pica8_vxlan options:remote_ip= options:local_ip= options:vlan=1 options:vnid=1122867 options:udp_dst_port=4789 options:src_mac=22:22:22:22:22:22 options:dst_mac=22:11:11:11:11:11 options:egress_port=te-1/1/1
admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl set Interface bond1 options:members=te-1/1/1,te-1/1/2
admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl set Interface ae1 options:lag_selected_min=1 admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl -- set Interface ae1 options:lag_type=static admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl -- set Interface ae1 options:hash-mapping=dl_dst admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl -- set Interface ae1 options:hash-mapping=dl_src_dst admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl -- set Interface ae1 options:hash-mapping=dl_src admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl -- set Interface ae1 options:hash-mapping=nw_dst admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl -- set Interface ae1 options:hash-mapping=nw_src_dst admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl -- set Interface ae1 options:hash-mapping=nw_src admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl -- set Interface ae1 options:hash-mapping=resilient admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl -- set Interface ae1 options:hash-mapping=advance
Note:default hash mapping is dl_src_dst.
10) Enable CDR function:
admin@PICOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl set interface te-1/1/1 options:cdr-admin-state=true/false
admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl set interface te-1/1/2 options:ptp-mode=e2etransparent
Interface other_config
admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs−vsctl set Interface te-1/1/1 other_config:cfm_extended=true admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs−vsctl set Interface te-1/1/1 other_config:cfm_demand=true admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs−vsctl set Interface te-1/1/1 other_config:cfm_interval=10000 admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs−vsctl set Interface te-1/1/1 other_config:cfm_ccm_vlan=2000 admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs−vsctl set Interface te-1/1/1 other_config:cfm_ccm_vlan=random admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs−vsctl set Interface te-1/1/1 other_config:cfm_ccm_pcp=7 admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs−vsctl set Interface te-1/1/1 other_config:cfm_opstate=up/down
Configuring the Duplex Mode of Optical Port as Auto-negotiation Mode
- Currently, duplex mode for optical port is only available for the 10 optical port when its port rate set to 1G.
- Duplex mode for optical port currently only supports to configure as auto, i.e. auto-negotiation mode.
admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs−vsctl set Interface te-1/1/1 options:link_speed=1G admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs−vsctl set Interface te-1/1/1 options:duplex=auto
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