ovs-ofctl mod-table <bridge> <table> <mod>

ovs-ofctl mod-table <bridge> <table> evict

Enable eviction on <table> of <bridge>. Eviction adds a mechanism enabling the switch to automatically eliminate entries of lower importance to make space for newer entries. This enables smoother degradation of behavior when the table is full.
To enable eviction on all tables, user can set the <table> as 'all'.

ovs-ofctl mod-table <bridge> <table> vacancy:<range>

Configure the vacancy <range> on <table> of <bridge>. The vacancy event adds a mechanism enabling the controller to get an early warning based on a capacity threshold chosen by the controller. This allows the controller to react in advance and avoid getting the table full. If user wants to configure vacancy range on all tables, set the <table> as 'all'.
The syntax of <range> as <low..high>.

ovs-ofctl mod-table <bridge> <table> clear

Clear the eviction or vacancy on <table> of <bridge>. If user wants to clear eviction on all tables, set the <table> as 'all'.

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