run show mlag consistency-parameter

The run show mlag consistency-parameter command displays the result of MLAG configuration consistency check, including the global and per MLAG configuration.

Command Syntax

run show mlag consistency-parameter { link <link-id>| summary}




link <link-id>

Specifies the MLAG link ID. This displays the result of per MLAG configuration consistency check.


Show the result of global MLAG configuration consistency check.


  • Show the result of per MLAG configuration consistency check.
admin@Xorplus# run show mlag consistency-parameter link 3
Port Configurations:
Property                 Local Value      Peer Value       Result
-----------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------
MTU                      1514             1514             PASS 
Mac Learning             Yes              Yes              PASS 
Lag Mode                 LACP             LACP             PASS 
Native Vlan              3                3                PASS 
Port Vlan Mode           Access           Access           PASS 
Trunk Vlan Count         2                2                PASS  
Trunk VLAN IDs                                             PASS  
Spanning-Tree Configurations:
Property                 Local Value      Peer Value       Result
-----------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------
Mode                     PVST             PVST             PASS 
BPDU Guard               No               No               PASS 
Root Guard               No               No               PASS 
Manual Forwarding        No               No               PASS 
Link Type                P2P              P2P              PASS 
Instance Count           1                1                PASS 
Instance Vlan 3                                                

-- Port Priority         128              128              PASS
-- Path Cost             0                0                PASS

VXLAN Configurations:
Property                 Local Value      Peer Value       Result
-----------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----
  • Show the result of global MLAG configuration consistency check.
admin@Xorplus# run show mlag consistency-parameter summary
Overall : PASS
Global  : PASS
Link 1  : PASS
Link 2  : PASS
Link 3  : PASS
MLAG Configurations:
Property                 Local Value      Peer Value       Result
-----------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------
Domain ID                1                1                PASS 
Node ID                  1                0                PASS 
Peer VLAN                4088             4088             PASS 
Link Count               3                3               PASS 
Link IDs                 1   2   3       1   2   3       PASS              
Spanning-Tree Configurations:
Property                 Local Value      Peer Value       Result
-----------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------
Enable                   Yes              Yes              PASS 
Mode                     PVST             PVST             PASS 
Instance Count           65               65               PASS 
Instance Vlan 1                                                
-- Bridge Priority       32768            32768            PASS 
-- Hello Time            2                2                PASS 
-- Forward Delay         15               15               PASS
-- Max Age               20               20               PASS 
Instance Vlan 2                                                 
-- Bridge Priority       32768            32768            PASS 
-- Hello Time            2                2                PASS 
-- Forward Delay         15               15               PASS 
-- Max Age               20               20               PASS 
Instance Vlan 3                                                 
-- Bridge Priority       32768            32768            PASS 
-- Hello Time            2                2                PASS 
-- Forward Delay         15               15               PASS 
-- Max Age               20               20               PASS 
Instance Vlan 4                                                  
-- Bridge Priority       32768            32768            PASS 
-- Hello Time            2                2                PASS 
-- Forward Delay         15               15               PASS 
-- Max Age               20               20               PASS 
DHCP Snooping Configurations:
Property                 Local Value      Peer Value       Result
-----------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------
VLAN Count               0                4                FAIL  
VLAN IDs                                                   FAIL  

IGMP Snooping Configurations:
Property                 Local Value      Peer Value       Result
-----------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------
Enable                   No               No               PASS  

VXLAN Configurations:
Property                 Local Value      Peer Value       Result
-----------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------
VXLAN                    N/A              N/A              PASS
VXLAN VNI Count          0                0                PASS 
VXLAN VNIs                                                 PASS

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