Configuring PBB

PBB means  Provider Backbone Bridge.


Push pbb_isid,eth_src,eth_dst  

Outer src mac is set as 00:00:00:11:11:11, and dsc mac is set as 00:00:00:22:22:22,Vlan is set as 4094, pbb isid is set as 23. 

root@PicOS-OVS# ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=11,dl_type=0x0800,dl_src=22:11:11:11:11:11,dl_dst=22:22:22:22:22:22,actions=push_pbb:0x88e7,set_field:23-\>pbb_isid,set_field:00:00:00:11:11:11-\>eth_src,set_field:00:00:00:22:22:22-\>eth_dst,push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4094-\>vlan_vid,output:12 

Push pbb without pbb_isid,eth_src,eth_dst

 Outer src mac is set as 22:11:11:11:11:11, and dsc mac is set as 22:22:22:22:22:22,Vlan is set as 4094, pbb isid is set as 0. 

root@PicOS-OVS# ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=11,dl_type=0x0800,dl_src=22:11:11:11:11:11,dl_dst=22:22:22:22:22:22,actions=push_pbb:0x88e7,push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4094-\>vlan_vid,output:12 

Push pbb_isid,eth_src,eth_dst for pbb packets

Outer src mac is set as 00:00:00:11:11:11, and dsc mac is set as 00:00:00:22:22:22,
Vlan is set as 4094, pbb isid is set as 21. (isid of primary pbb packet should not be 21)

root@PicOS-OVS# ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=11,dl_type=0x88e7,actions=push_pbb:0x88e7,set_field:21-\>pbb_isid,set_field:00:00:00:11:11:11-\>eth_src,set_field:00:00:00:22:22:22-\>eth_dst,push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4094-\>vlan_vid,output:12 


Pop pbb packets tagged with vlan 1 (Primary pbb packets should be tagged with vlan 1) Pbb packets are popped.

root@PicOS-OVS# ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=11,dl_type=0x88e7,dl_src=00:00:00:11:11:11,dl_dst=00:00:00:22:22:22,actions=pop_vlan,pop_pbb0x88e7,output:12 

Pop pbb packets tagged with vlan 2000 (Primary pbb packets should be tagged with vlan 2000) Pbb packets are popped.

root@PicOS-OVS# ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=11,dl_type=0x88e7,pbb_isid=23,dl_vlan=2000,dl_src=00:00:00:11:11:11,dl_dst=00:00:00:22:22:22,actions=pop_vlan,pop_pbb:0x88e7,output:12 

Important Things to Know

  • Push pbb should be done with push_vlan,
  • When do push pbb, primary src mac, and dst mac will be used if no config of eth_src , eth_dst
  • Do push pbb for pbb packet, primary pbb isid should be not same as the push pb isid.
  • When do pop pbb, primary packets should include vlan, and actions should include pop_vlan.
  • All switches support pbb except  P3290,P3295 and P4610.


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