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The following is the details of the pica_private_trap_mib.my file.
PICA-PRIVATE-TRAP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF rpsuIndex, rpsuStatus,sfpIndex,fanIndex,picaPrivateMib, cpuHighThresholdValue, cpuLowThresholdValue, cpuUsage, macThresholdValue, macMonitorValue FROM PICA-PRIVATE-MIB; picaTrap MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201212290000Z" ORGANIZATION "Pica8 Inc." CONTACT-INFO " Customer Support E-Mail: support@pica8.com WWW: http://www.pica8.com" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module to describe traps for pica private mib." ::= { picaPrivateMib 21 } -- Trap Support Objects -- The following are support objects for the pica private traps. rpsuTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { picaTrap 1 } spfTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { picaTrap 2 } switchTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { picaTrap 3 } cpuThresholdTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { picaTrap 4 } macThresholdTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { picaTrap 5 } -- Traps switchFanFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fanIndex -- The number of fan } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A switchFanFailed trap will be generated if a switch fan fails." ::= { switchTraps 1 } switchFanPlugIn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fanIndex -- The number of fan } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A switchFanPlugIn trap signifies that the fan is plugged in." ::= { switchTraps 2 } switchFanPlugOut NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fanIndex -- The number of fan } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A switchFanPlugOut trap signifies that the fan is plugged out." ::= { switchTraps 3 } switchFanRecovery NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fanIndex -- The number of fan } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A switchFanRecovery trap will be generated if the fan of switch recovers from failure." ::= { switchTraps 4 } rpsuStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rpsuIndex, -- The number of RPSU rpsuStatus -- The new state } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rpsuStateChange trap signifies that there has been a change in the state of a redundant power supply unit (RPSU). This trap should be generated when the RPSU status changes (e.g., plugged in or out)." ::= { rpsuTraps 1 } rpsuPlugIn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rpsuIndex -- The number of RPSU } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rpsuPlugIn trap will be generated if a redundant power supply unit (RPSU) is plugged in." ::= { rpsuTraps 2 } rpsuPlugOut NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rpsuIndex -- The number of RPSU } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rpsuPlugOut trap will be generated if a redundant power supply unit (RPSU) is plugged out." ::= { rpsuTraps 3 } rpsuFanFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rpsuIndex -- The number of RPSU } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rpsuFanFailed trap will be generated if a fan of Redundant power supply unit (RPSU) has failed." ::= { rpsuTraps 4 } rpsuStatusChangePowerOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rpsuIndex -- The number of RPSU } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rpsuStatusChangePowerOff trap signifies that the RPSU status changed to power off." ::= { rpsuTraps 5 } rpsuStatusChangePowerOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rpsuIndex -- The number of RPSU } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rpsuStatusChangePowerOn trap signifies that the RPSU status changed to power on." ::= { rpsuTraps 6 } rpsuFanRecovery NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rpsuIndex -- The number of RPSU } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rpsuFanRecovery trap will be generated if the fan of the redundant power supply unit (RPSU) recovers from failure." ::= { rpsuTraps 7 } sfpPlugIn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sfpIndex -- The index of SFP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An sfpPlugIn trap signifies the SFP is plugged in." ::= { spfTraps 1 } sfpPlugOut NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sfpIndex -- The index of SFP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A sfpPlugOut trap signifies the SFP is plugged out." ::= { spfTraps 2 } cpuHighThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cpuHighThresholdValue, cpuUsage } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A cpuHighThreshold notification is sent when configured high CPU utilization threshold (cpuHighThresholdValue) is reached and CPU utilization remained above the threshold for configured interval(cpuThresholdPeriod) and such a notification is requested." ::= { cpuThresholdTraps 1 } cpuLowThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cpuLowThresholdValue, cpuUsage } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A cpuLowThreshold is sent when the configured low threshold (cpuLowThresholdValue) is reached and CPU utilization remained under threshold for configured interval (cpuThresholdPeriod) and such a notification is requested." ::= { cpuThresholdTraps 2 } macThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { macThresholdValue, macMonitorValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A macThreshold is sent when the configured mac address table threshold (macThresholdValue) is reached and mac address usage percentage remained above the threshold for configured interval (macThresholdPeriod) and such a notification is requested." ::= { macThresholdTraps 1 } picaTrapConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { picaTrap 20 } picaTrapGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { picaTrapConformance 1 } picaTrapCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { picaTrapConformance 2 } -- compliance statements picaTrapCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement " MODULE -- this module GROUP picaTrapGroups DESCRIPTION "This group is optional but recommended" ::= { picaTrapCompliances 1 } -- units of conformance rpusTrapGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rpsuIndex, -- The number of RPSU rpsuStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "These objects are required to control traps." ::= { picaTrapGroups 1 } picaTrapEventGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { switchFanFailed, switchFanPlugIn, switchFanPlugOut, switchFanRecovery, rpsuStateChange, rpsuPlugIn, rpsuPlugOut, rpsuFanFailed, rpsuStatusChangePowerOff, rpsuStatusChangePowerOn, rpsuFanRecovery, sfpPlugIn, sfpPlugOut, cpuHighThreshold, cpuLowThreshold, macThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A grouping of pica private trap events, as specified in NOTIFICATION-TYPE constructs." ::= { picaTrapGroups 2 } END