Commit Confirmed

User can commit a candidate configuration before this configuration becomes permanent. By using commit confirmed, the system will apply the configuration with a ten minute default. After ten minutes, the system will roll back to the original configuration automatically. User can configure the roll back time in the CLI. By default, roll back time is 10 minutes.

By default, it will be automatically rolled back to the previous configuration after 600 seconds (10 minutes).

admin@XorPlus# set vlans vlan-id 2
admin@XorPlus# commit confirmed 
Merging the configuration.
Will be automatically rolled back in 600 seconds unless confirmed by new commit.
Commit OK.

Modify the rollback confirmation time

admin@XorPlus# set vlans vlan-id 3
admin@XorPlus# commit confirmed 100
Merging the configuration.
Will be automatically rolled back in 100 seconds unless confirmed by new commit.
Commit OK.

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