Running Playbooks

Running Playbooks

On the “Playbooks” page, you can see the list of playbooks that are created. You can add or import a playbook, check syntax for a playbook, or run a playbook as needed.

In addition, AmpCon-Campus provides multiple playbook management functions including copying playbooks, using pre-built playbooks, editing, deleting, copying, or exporting playbooks, and adding tags to playbooks.

Adding a Playbook

  1. Click Maintain > Automation > Playbooks in the AmpCon-Campus UI.

  2. On the “Playbooks” page, click Playbook.

  3. Enter the playbook name and description (optional). Click playbook.yml, and add contents to the .yml file. You can also add files or folders to the playbook.

  1. Click Save All.

Importing a Playbook

  1. Click Maintain > Automation > Playbooks in the AmpCon-Campus UI.

  2. On the “Playbooks” page, click Import.

  3. Enter the playbook name and description (optional), and upload the playbook .zip file.

  1. Click Import.

Running a Playbook

  1. Click Maintain > Automation > Playbooks in the AmpCon-Campus UI.

  2. On the “Playbooks” page, locate a playbook, and then click Run.

  3. Select the playbook.yml file, and then click Next.

  1. Select target switches to run the playbook by using the following ways:

Note: If you select switches, groups, and other devices in the Choose Switches, Choose Groups, and Choose Other Devices tabs, the playbook will be run on all selected targets.

  • Choose switches

In the Choose Switches tab, select one or multiple switches.

  • Choose groups

In the Choose Groups tab, select one or multiple groups.

  • Choose other devices

In the Choose Other Devices tab, select one or multiple devices that you added in Adding Other Devices.

  1. Click Next.

  2. Enter extra variables if needed, and then click Next.

  1. Select the schedule type to run the playbook.

  • Run Now: Executes the task immediately upon creation

  • One Time: Executes the task within the selected time range after creation

  • Scheduled: Executes the task periodically after creation

  1. Click Run Playbook.

Optional: Checking Syntax for a Playbook

On the “Playbooks” page, locate a playbook, and then click Check. A message pops up with the checking result.


Optional: Using Pre-built Playbooks

AmpCon-Campus provides multiple pre-built playbooks, which are hidden by default.

Note: Pre-built playbooks can’t be run directly. You need to click Save As to copy a pre-build playbook as a new playbook and then run the new playbook. You can’t edit or remove pre-built playbooks. And you can’t add tags or check syntax for pre-built playbooks.

  • To show the pre-built playbooks, click the Show Pre-built Playbooks toggle on the “Playbooks” page.

  • To view a pre-built playbook, locate the playbook, and then click View.

  • To refresh the pre-built playbook list, click Update Pre-built Playbooks.

  • To export a pre-built playbook, locate the playbook, and then click Export.

Optional: Editing a Playbook

On the “Playbooks” page, locate a playbook, and then click Edit. Modify the playbook contents as needed. You can also add or remove folders and files. Then, click Save All.


Optional: Deleting a Playbook

On the “Playbooks” page, locate a playbook, and then click Remove. Then, click Yes to confirm the deletion.


Optional: Copying a Playbook

On the “Playbooks” page, locate a playbook, and then click Save As. The new playbook has a default name, which you can modify as needed. Then, click Save.


Optional: Exporting a Playbook

On the “Playbooks” page, locate a playbook, and then click Export.


Optional: Adding or removing Tags to a Playbook

On the “Playbooks” page, locate a playbook, and then click Tag Management. Enter the tag name in the Tag Name field, and then click Add.

You can remove a tag by clicking the removal icon.



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