IBGP Peering

IBGP Peering

IBGP Peering:

● Directly connected peer

● Non-Directly connected peer

● Establish bgp peer use loopback interface

(1) Directly connected peer

                                                  Figure 1-1


Step 1: Configure bgp-id and local-as

Note: The two parameters must commit at the same time it will commit failed if lack either of the two

Switch A:

admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp bgp-id
admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp local-as "9"

 Switch B:

admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp bgp-id
admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp local-as "9"

Step 2: Configure one bgp peer

Switch A:

admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp peer 3003::2 local-ip "3003::1"
admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp peer 3003::2 as "9"

Switch B:

admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp peer 3003::1 local-ip "3003::2"
admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp peer 3003::1 as "9"

Step 3: Enable ipv6-unicast

Switch A:

admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp peer 3003::2 ipv6-unicast true

Switch B:

admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp peer 3003::1 ipv6-unicast true

Step 4: Enable next-hop-self

Switch A:

admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp peer 3003::2 next-hop-self true

Switch B:

admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp peer 3003::1 next-hop-self true

Step 5: Check bgp peer status on SwitchA SwitchB

Switch A:

admin@XorPlus# run show bgp peers detail 3003::2
Peer 1: local 3003::1/179 remote 3003::2/39351
  Peer ID:
  Admin State: START
  Negotiated BGP Version: 4
  Peer AS Number: 9
  Updates Received: 1,  Updates Sent: 0
  Messages Received: 27,  Messages Sent: 26
  Time since last received update: 669 seconds
  Number of transitions to ESTABLISHED: 1
  Time since last entering ESTABLISHED state: 669 seconds
  Retry Interval: 120 seconds
  Hold Time: 90 seconds,  Keep Alive Time: 30 seconds
  Configured Hold Time: 90 seconds,  Configured Keep Alive Time: 30 seconds
  Minimum AS Origination Interval: 0 seconds
  Minimum Route Advertisement Interval: 0 seconds

Switch B:

admin@XorPlus# run show bgp peers detail 3003::1
Peer 1: local 3003::2/39351 remote 3003::1/179
  Peer ID:
  Admin State: START
  Negotiated BGP Version: 4
  Peer AS Number: 9
  Updates Received: 0,  Updates Sent: 1
  Messages Received: 25,  Messages Sent: 27
  Time since last received update: n/a
  Number of transitions to ESTABLISHED: 5
  Time since last entering ESTABLISHED state: 643 seconds
  Retry Interval: 120 seconds
  Hold Time: 90 seconds,  Keep Alive Time: 30 seconds
  Configured Hold Time: 90 seconds,  Configured Keep Alive Time: 30 seconds
  Minimum AS Origination Interval: 0 seconds
  Minimum Route Advertisement Interval: 0 seconds


(2) Non-Directly connected peer

                                                            Figure 1-2


Step 1: SwitchA SwitchB SwitchC Enable OSPFV3

Switch A:

admin@XorPlus#set protocols ospf6 instance-id 1
admin@XorPlus#set protocols ospf6 router-id
admin@XorPlus#set protocols ospf6 area interface vlan500 vif vlan500 address 5005::1
admin@XorPlus#set protocols ospf6 area interface vlan300 vif vlan300 address 3003::2

Switch B:

admin@XorPlus#set protocols ospf6 instance-id 1
admin@XorPlus#set protocols ospf6 router-id
admin@XorPlus#set protocols ospf6 area interface vlan100 vif vlan100 address 1001::1
admin@XorPlus#set protocols ospf6 area interface vlan300 vif vlan300 address 3003::1

Switch C:

admin@XorPlus#set protocols ospf6 instance-id 1
admin@XorPlus#set protocols ospf6 router-id
admin@XorPlus#set protocols ospf6 area interface vlan100 vif vlan100 address 1001::2

Step 2: Check ospfv3 status on SwitchB

admin@XorPlus# run show ospf6 neighbor
Address                                  Interface              State     Router ID        Pri    Dead
---------------------------------------  ---------------------  --------  ---------------  -----  ----
fe80::ca0a:a9ff:204:4928                 vlan100/vlan100        Full      128    35 
fe80::ca0a:a9ff:5ae:a66                  vlan300/vlan300        Full          128    38 

Note: Two ospf6 neighbor all established

Step 3: Check the route table on SwitchA SwitchC

Note: there should be 3003::/64 route entry on SwitchC,and 1001::/64 should in SwitchA’s route table:

Switch A:

admin@XorPlus# run show route forward-route ipv6 all
Destination                               NetMask                                   NextHopMac          Port   
---------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------   -----------------   ---------
2001::                                    ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::                     C8:0A:A9:AE:0A:66   connected
4001::                                    ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::                     C8:0A:A9:AE:0A:66   connected
3003::                                    ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::                     C8:0A:A9:AE:0A:66   connected
1001::                                    ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::                     04:7D:7B:62:93:FF   te-1/1/46
6006::                                    ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::                     C8:0A:A9:AE:0A:66   connected
5005::                                    ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::                     C8:0A:A9:AE:0A:66   connected
1001::                                    ffff:ff00::                               04:7D:7B:62:93:FF   te-1/1/46

Switch C:

admin@XorPlus# run show route forward-route ipv6 all
Destination                               NetMask                                   NextHopMac          Port   
---------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------   -----------------   ---------
3003::                                    ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::                     04:7D:7B:62:93:FF   te-1/1/49
6006::                                    ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::                     C8:0A:A9:04:49:28   connected
2002::                                    ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::                     C8:0A:A9:04:49:28   connected
5005::                                    ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::                     04:7D:7B:62:93:FF   te-1/1/49
1001::                                    ffff:ff00::                               C8:0A:A9:04:49:28   connected

Step 4: Configure IBGP on SwitchA SwitchC

Switch A:

admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp bgp-id
admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp local-as "9"
admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp peer 1001::2 local-ip "3003::2"
admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp peer 1001::2 as "9"
admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp peer 1001::2 ipv6-unicast true

Switch C:

admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp bgp-id
admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp local-as "9"
admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp peer 3003::2 local-ip "1001::2"
admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp peer 3003::2 as "9"
admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp peer 3003::2 ipv6-unicast true


Step 5: Check bgp peer status

Switch A:

admin@XorPlus# run show bgp peers detail
Peer 1: local 3003::2/179 remote 1001::2/49225
  Peer ID:
  Admin State: START
  Negotiated BGP Version: 4
  Peer AS Number: 9
  Updates Received: 0,  Updates Sent: 0
  Messages Received: 2,  Messages Sent: 2
  Time since last received update: n/a
  Number of transitions to ESTABLISHED: 1
  Time since last entering ESTABLISHED state: 23 seconds
  Retry Interval: 120 seconds
  Hold Time: 90 seconds,  Keep Alive Time: 30 seconds
  Configured Hold Time: 90 seconds,  Configured Keep Alive Time: 30 seconds
  Minimum AS Origination Interval: 0 seconds
  Minimum Route Advertisement Interval: 0 seconds

Note: As the peer 3003::2  could be connected via ospf6,there are route table for network 3003::/64

(3) Establish bgp peer use loopback interface

                                                         Figure 1-3

Step 1: Configure loopback interface

Switch A:

admin@XorPlus#set vlan-interface loopback address 6666::6 prefix-length 128

Switch B:

admin@XorPlus# set vlan-interface loopback address 9999::9 prefix-length 128


Step 2: Configure static route on SwitchA SwitchB

Switch A:

admin@XorPlus#set protocols static route 9999::9/128 next-hop 3003::2
admin@XorPlus# run show route forward-host ipv6 all
Address                                   HWaddress           Port   
---------------------------------------   -----------------   ---------
9999::9                                   C8:0A:A9:AE:0A:66   te-1/1/46
3003::2                                   C8:0A:A9:AE:0A:66   te-1/1/46
6666::6                                   04:7D:7B:62:93:FF   connected

Switch B:

admin@XorPlus# set protocols static route 6666::6/128 next-hop 3003::1
admin@XorPlus# run show route forward-host ipv6 all
Address                                   HWaddress           Port   
---------------------------------------   -----------------   ---------
3003::1                                   04:7D:7B:62:93:FF   te-1/1/46
9999::9                                   C8:0A:A9:AE:0A:66   connected
6666::6                                   04:7D:7B:62:93:FF   te-1/1/46


Step 3: Configure bgp-id and local-as

Note: The two parameters must commit at the same time it will commit failed if lack either of the two

Switch A:

admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp bgp-id
admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp local-as "9"

Switch B:

admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp bgp-id
admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp local-as "9"


Step 4: Configure bgp peer

Switch A:

admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp peer 9999::9 local-ip "6666::6"
admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp peer 9999::9 as "9"

Switch B:

admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp peer 6666::6 local-ip "9999::9"
admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp peer 6666::6 as "9


Step 5: Enable ipv6-unicast

Switch A:

admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 9999::9 ipv6-unicast true

Switch B:

admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 6666::6 ipv6-unicast true


Step 6: Enable next-hop-self

Switch A:

admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp peer 3003::2 next-hop-self true

Switch B:

admin@XorPlus#set protocols bgp peer 3003::1 next-hop-self true


Step 7: check bgp peer status

Switch A:

admin@XorPlus# run show bgp peers detail 9999::9
Peer 1: local 6666::6/60097 remote 9999::9/179
  Peer ID:
  Admin State: START
  Negotiated BGP Version: 4
  Peer AS Number: 9
  Updates Received: 0,  Updates Sent: 0
  Messages Received: 3,  Messages Sent: 3
  Time since last received update: n/a
  Number of transitions to ESTABLISHED: 3
  Time since last entering ESTABLISHED state: 38 seconds
  Retry Interval: 120 seconds
  Hold Time: 90 seconds,  Keep Alive Time: 30 seconds
  Configured Hold Time: 90 seconds,  Configured Keep Alive Time: 30 seconds
  Minimum AS Origination Interval: 0 seconds
  Minimum Route Advertisement Interval: 0 seconds

Switch B:

admin@XorPlus# run show bgp peers detail 6666::6
Peer 1: local 9999::9/179 remote 6666::6/60097
  Peer ID:
  Admin State: START
  Negotiated BGP Version: 4
  Peer AS Number: 9
  Updates Received: 0,  Updates Sent: 0
  Messages Received: 4,  Messages Sent: 5
  Time since last received update: n/a
  Number of transitions to ESTABLISHED: 3
  Time since last entering ESTABLISHED state: 62 seconds
  Retry Interval: 120 seconds
  Hold Time: 90 seconds,  Keep Alive Time: 30 seconds
  Configured Hold Time: 90 seconds,  Configured Keep Alive Time: 30 seconds
  Minimum AS Origination Interval: 0 seconds
  Minimum Route Advertisement Interval: 0 seconds

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