Configuring a User-defined VRF

Configuring a User-defined VRF

The VRF configuration process is in the following steps:

  1. Enable IP routing function before using VRF function.
  2. Create a VRF for the tenant.
  3. Bind one or more VLAN interfaces to the VRF.
  4. Configure static routes or OSPF routing protocol into the VRF table.


Step1         Enable IP routing function before using VRF function.

                   set ip routing enable <true | false>

Step2         Create a VRF for the tenant.

                   set ip vrf <vrf-name> [description <string>]

Step3         Configure the VLAN.

   a)      Configure VLAN ID.

    set vlans vlan-id <vlan-id>

    b)     Configure the interface to a VLAN.

    set interface gigabit-ethernet <port> family ethernet-switching native-vlan-id <vlan-id>

    c)      Configure the IP address of the Layer 3 interface.

    set vlan-interface interface <interface-name> vif <vif-name> address <address> prefix-length <number>

    d)     Associate a Layer 3 interface with a VLAN.

    set vlans vlan-id <vlan-id> l3-interface <interface-name>

Step4         Bind the Layer 3 VLAN interface to a VRF.

                   set vlan-interface interface <interface-name> vrf <vrf-name>

Step5         (Optional) Configure a static route entry into the VRF.

   set protocols static [vrf <vrf-name>] route <ip-address> next-hop <nexthop-address>

   set protocols static[vrf <vrf-name>] route <ip-address> metric <metric-value>

Step6         (Optional) Configure static ARP entries.

                   set protocols arp interface <interface-name> address <ip-address> mac-address <mac-address>

                   The ARP entries are associated with the VRF by binding the Layer 3 VLAN interface to the VRF.

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