The NEXT_HOP Attribute

The NEXT_HOP Attribute

Configuration Example 1

Case 1:

The NEXT_HOP will be the NEXT_HOP of the external Neighbor.

As the following example illustrates, Switch A distributes 7777::/64 to Switch B. As seen, the next_hop is 5005::02 on both Switch B and Switch C. It will not be active, as Switch C does not know how to reach 5005::2. Thus, user must instruct Switch C on how to reach next_hop, 5005::2 via IGP.


                                                         Figure 1-13

Step 1: Switch A and Switch B Enable EBGP. Switch B and Switch C Enable IGP.

Switch A:

admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp bgp-id
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp local-as 10
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 5005::1 local-ip "5005::2"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 5005::1 as 9
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 5005::1 ipv6-unicast true

Switch B:

admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp bgp-id
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp local-as "9"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 3003::1 local-ip "3003::2"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 3003::1 as "9"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 3003::1 ipv6-unicast true
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 5005::2 local-ip "5005::1"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 5005::2 as "10"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 5005::2 ipv6-unicast true

Switch C:

admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp bgp-id
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp local-as "9"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 3003::2 local-ip "3003::1"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 3003::2 as "9"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 3003::2 ipv6-unicast true


Step 2: Switch A propagate a BGP route entry 7777::/64 to Switch B

Note: Check the BGP route table on Switch B. The next_hop should be 5005::2. And the next_hop also is 5005::2, but it’s not reachable on Switch C, so the BGP route entry 7777::/64 is inactive.

Switch B:

admin@XorPlus# run show bgp routes ipv6
Status Codes: * valid route, > best route
Origin Codes: i IGP, e EGP, ? incomplete
   Prefix                        Nexthop                   Peer             AS Path
   ----------------------------  ------------------------  ---------------  ------------
*> 7777::/64                     5005::2               10 i

Switch C:

admin@XorPlus# run show bgp routes ipv6
Status Codes: * valid route, > best route
Origin Codes: i IGP, e EGP, ? incomplete
   Prefix                        Nexthop                   Peer             AS Path
   ----------------------------  ------------------------  ---------------  ------------
*  7777::/64                     5005::2                   10 i


Step 3: Configure a static route to the destination 5005::2/64, and specify the next_hop 3003::1/64 on Switch C

Switch C:

admin@XorPlus# set protocols static route 5005::/64 next-hop 3003::2
admin@XorPlus# run show route forward-route ipv6 all
Destination                               NetMask                                   NextHopMac          Port   
---------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------   -----------------   ---------
2001::                                    ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::                     04:7D:7B:62:93:FF   connected
3003::                                    ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::                     04:7D:7B:62:93:FF   connected
5005::                                    ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::                     C8:0A:A9:AE:0A:66   te-1/1/46
7777::                                    ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::                     C8:0A:A9:AE:0A:66   te-1/1/46


Step 4: Check BGP route table on Switch C, the BGP route entry 7777::/64 is already active as the next_hop 5005:;2 was reachable and it is installed into route table.

admin@XorPlus# run show bgp routes ipv6
Status Codes: * valid route, > best route
Origin Codes: i IGP, e EGP, ? incomplete
   Prefix                        Nexthop                   Peer             AS Path
   ----------------------------  ------------------------  ---------------  ------------
*> 7777::/64                     5005::2                   10 i
admin@XorPlus# run show route forward-route ipv6 all
Destination                               NetMask                                   NextHopMac          Port   
---------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------   -----------------   ---------
2001::                                    ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::                     04:7D:7B:62:93:FF   connected
3003::                                    ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::                     04:7D:7B:62:93:FF   connected
5005::                                    ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::                     C8:0A:A9:AE:0A:66   te-1/1/46
7777::                                    ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::                     C8:0A:A9:AE:0A:66   te-1/1/46


Configuration Example 2 

Case 2: 

Use the set protocols bgp peer <Peer-IPV6-Address> next-hop-self true command to force the router to advertise itself.

                                                    Figure 1-14

Step 1: Switch A Switch B Enable EBGP, Switch B Switch C Enable IGP

Switch A:

admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp bgp-id
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp local-as 10
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 5005::1 local-ip "5005::2"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 5005::1 as 9
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 5005::1 ipv6-unicast true

Switch B:

admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp bgp-id
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp local-as "9"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 3003::1 local-ip "3003::2"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 3003::1 as "9"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 3003::1 ipv6-unicast true
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 5005::2 local-ip "5005::1"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 5005::2 as "10"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 5005::2 ipv6-unicast true

Switch C:

admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp bgp-id
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp local-as "9"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 3003::2 local-ip "3003::1"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 3003::2 as "9"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 3003::2 ipv6-unicast true


Step 2: Switch A propagate a BGP route entry 7777::/64 to Switch B

Note: Check the BGP route table on Switch B. The next_hop should be 5005::2.

And the next_hop also is 5005::2 and it’s not reachable on SwitchC, so the bgp route entry 7777::/64 is inactive. 

Switch B:

admin@XorPlus# run show bgp routes ipv6
Status Codes: * valid route, > best route
Origin Codes: i IGP, e EGP, ? incomplete

   Prefix                        Nexthop                   Peer             AS Path
   ----------------------------  ------------------------  ---------------  ------------
*> 7777::/64                     5005::2               10 i

Switch C:

admin@XorPlus# run show bgp routes ipv6
Status Codes: * valid route, > best route
Origin Codes: i IGP, e EGP, ? incomplete

   Prefix                        Nexthop                   Peer             AS Path
   ----------------------------  ------------------------  ---------------  ------------
*  7777::/64                     5005::2                   10 i


Step 3: Enable Next-hop-self on Switch B

Note: After enabling next-hop-self on Switch B, the next-hop will be forced to be modified by itself using the IPv6 address.

Switch B:

admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 3003::1 next-hop-self true
admin@XorPlus# commit
Merging the configuration.
Commit OK.
Save done.
admin@XorPlus# run show bgp routes ipv6
Status Codes: * valid route, > best route
Origin Codes: i IGP, e EGP, ? incomplete

   Prefix                        Nexthop                   Peer             AS Path
   ----------------------------  ------------------------  ---------------  ------------
*> 7777::/64                     5005::2               10 i

Switch C:

admin@XorPlus# run show bgp routes ipv6
Status Codes: * valid route, > best route
Origin Codes: i IGP, e EGP, ? incomplete

   Prefix                        Nexthop                   Peer             AS Path
   ----------------------------  ------------------------  ---------------  ------------
*> 7777::/64                     3003::2                   10 i

Note: We can see that the next-hop has been set as 3003::2.


Configuration Example 3 

Case 3:

 The NEXT_HOP always is the peer IPv6 address who advertised it.

                                                 Figure 1-15


Step 1: Switch A Switch B Enable EBGP

Switch A:

admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp bgp-id
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp local-as 10
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 5005::1 local-ip "5005::2"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 5005::1 as 9
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 5005::1 ipv6-unicast true

Switch B:

admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp bgp-id
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp local-as "9"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 5005::2 local-ip "5005::1"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 5005::2 as "10"
admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp peer 5005::2 ipv6-unicast true


Step 2: Switch A propagate a BGP route entry 7777::/64 to Switch B

Note: Check the BGP route table on Switch B, The next_hop should be 5005::2. 

Switch B:

admin@XorPlus# run show bgp routes ipv6
Status Codes: * valid route, > best route
Origin Codes: i IGP, e EGP, ? incomplete

   Prefix                        Nexthop                   Peer             AS Path
   ----------------------------  ------------------------  ---------------  ------------
*> 7777::/64                     5005::2               10 i

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