Pica8 P-3920 Switch

Pica8 P-3920 Switch

Step1: Power on the switch, and backup the PicOS configuration files.

The prompt appears very soon after the system boots up. Users need to hit the Enter key fast enough to stop the boot process.
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 5<Ctrl-C>

At the uBoot prompt, enter the following command to bring up the utility program.

=>run flash_boot

This boots through a Linux kernel and stops at a menu of the utility tool as the following,

Please choose which to start. (Will choose active entry if no input in 10 seconds)
Current boot mode: normal
===================Main Menu=====================
*1 - Start Application (active)
2 - Start Diagnostic Application
3 - Utility 
Enter your choice (1-3): 3
This will bring up the Utility Menu. Enter 7 as your choice:
===================Utility Menu========================
1 - Format FLASH device to JFFS2 file system
2 - List file 
3 - Delete file
4 - Download file
5 - Active file
6 - Reboot
7 - System Shell
8 - Exit
Enter your choice (1-8): 7
login: root
login[1096]: root login on 'ttyS0'
Use “root” as user and “root123” as password. The switch will then drop into a Linux prompt.

Step2: mount CF/SD card

# mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /tmp

Step3: modify the file

vi /tmp/etc/shadow
change from:
admin::16161:0:99999:7::: <==remove the string between the first and the second colon

step4: sync

# sync

Step5: umount

# umount /tmp

Step6: reboot the switch

# reboot

Step7: boot PicOS. Then, log in by user admin. No password is needed on the console port.

[....] Starting: PicOS L2/L3..PowerPC Book-E Watchdog Timer Enabled (wdt_period=29)
........................ ok
XorPlus login: admin

step8: config the password in linux(set the passwd of admin with command "passwd admin") or in cli.
1) Reseting password in linux:

admin@XorPlus$sudo passwd admin
Enter new UNIX password: 
Retype new UNIX password: 
passwd: password updated successfully

2) Reseting password in cli:

admin@XorPlus# set system login user admin class super-user 
admin@XorPlus# set system login user admin authentication plain-text-password 123456
admin@XorPlus# commit 
Merging the configuration.
Commit OK.
Save done

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