OVSDB VTEP with NSX Configuration

OVSDB VTEP with NSX Configuration


This example uses the following hardware and software components:

  • A Trident-II Series switch
  • PicOS (more than 2.6 version)
  • NSX controller


In this example, OVSDB VTEP is configured to run on a VXLAN domain. VTEP interfaces sources are configured to the loopback address. Interfaces are configured for VLAN tagging and encapsulation. Static route protocols are configured to facilitate unicast routing.


The VXLAN networks Host and VM IP address and Mac address information :

Host IP Address:, Mac address: 70:72:cf:9d:6f:fb

VM1 IP Address:, Mac address: 00:50:56:ae:46:d3

VM1 IP Address:, Mac address: 00:50:56:ae:5a:30

Configuring OVSDB on Trident-II Series Switches

CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, and copy and paste the commands into the CLI.

SW1 Configure

set interface gigabit-ethernet te-1/1/9 family ethernet-switching native-vlan-id 1000
set interface gigabit-ethernet te-1/1/31 family ethernet-switching port-mode "trunk"
set interface gigabit-ethernet te-1/1/31 family ethernet-switching vlan members 100
set protocols ovsdb management-ip
set protocols ovsdb controller ovsdb protocol ssl
set protocols ovsdb controller ovsdb address
set protocols ovsdb controller ovsdb port 6632
set protocols ovsdb interface te-1/1/31
set vlan-interface interface 1000 vif 1000 address prefix-length 24
set vlans vlan-id 100
set vlans vlan-id 1000 l3-interface "1000"
set vxlans source-interface 1000 address
set vxlans ovsdb-managed true 

Configuring OVSDB Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example shows how to set up a basic VTEP OVSDB configuration with VXLAN domain. To configure VXLAN on an Trident-II Series switches, follow these steps:

Configure OVSDB Step-by-Step for SW1

  1. Configure the VLAN ID to 10 for vxlan domain. 

    set vlans vlan-id 100
  2. Configure the VLAN ID to 1000 for ip routing.

    set vlans vlan-id 1000 l3-interface vlan-1000
  3. Configure the te-1/1/9 interface VLAN ID to 1000.

    set interface gigabit-ethernet te-1/1/9 family ethernet-switching native-vlan-id 1000
  4. Configure VLAN trunk for te-1/1/31.

    set interface gigabit-ethernet te-1/1/31 family ethernet-switching port-mode "trunk"
  5. Configure the te-1/1/31 interface VLAN ID to 100.

    set interface gigabit-ethernet te-1/1/31 family ethernet-switching vlan members 100
  6. Configure IP address for the vlan-interface vlan-1000.

    set vlan-interface interface vlan-1000 vif vlan-1000 address prefix-length 24
  7. Configure VTEP interface sources IP address.

    set vxlans source-interface vlan-1000 address
  8. Enable VXLAN managed by ovsdb

    set vxlan ovsdb-managed true
  9. Configure ovsdb controller ip address

    set protocols ovsdb controller ovsdb address
  10. Configure ovsdb controller protocol

    set protocols ovsdb controller ovsdb protocol ssl
  11. Configure ovsdb controller port

    set protocols ovsdb controller ovsdb port 6632
  12. Configure ovsdb the interface on the VTEP

    set protocols ovsdb interface te-1/1/31

Manually configuring the Switch as a VTEP Gateway by NSX Manager

Configuring the ovsdb by NSX Manager for SW1

  1. Add components in NSX manager. 
  2. Add ESXi in NSX Manager
  3. Add hardware gateway
  4. Create Transport Zone
  5. Create Logical switch
  6. Create Logical port
  7. Add gateway VTEP port

View the VXLAN table of SW1:

admin@XorPlus# run show vxlan tunnel 
Total number of tunnels: 1
VNI 2, Encap:service-vlan-delete, Decap:service-vlan-add
  src addr:, dst addr:, state:UP
  traffic type:all
  output ports:te-1/1/9 

Show vxlan to display information about VXLAN endpoint configuration. Display VXLAN  to the remote vxlan tunnel vtep has a nexthops(

View the VXLAN mac table of SW1:

admin@XorPlus#   run show vxlan address-table 
VNID           MAC address          Type       Interface          VTEP
-----------    -----------------    -------    ----------------   ---------------
10010          70:72:cf:9d:6f:fb    Dynamic    te-1/1/31                          
10010          00:50:56:ae:46:d3    Static               
10010          00:50:56:ae:5a:30    Static                     

Dump the ovsdb hardware vtep table of SW1:

root@XorPlus$ovsdb-client dump hardware_vtep
Arp_Sources_Local table
_uuid locator src_mac
----- ------- -------
Arp_Sources_Remote table
_uuid locator src_mac
----- ------- -------
Global table
_uuid managers switches
------------------------------------ -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
3542b066-e49a-4df6-91e5-731ce43868c7 [5cc533b6-3591-4d5f-9848-52a9d8b38cab] [7eea2f69-e31e-4a71-a997-3a370bd7f468]
Logical_Binding_Stats table
_uuid bytes_from_local bytes_to_local packets_from_local packets_to_local
----- ---------------- -------------- ------------------ ----------------
Logical_Router table
_uuid description name static_routes switch_binding
----- ----------- ---- ------------- --------------
Logical_Switch table
_uuid description name tunnel_key
------------------------------------ ----------- -------------------------------------- ----------
be9b786a-d5ab-4f78-8cf7-e15e2c336994 "" "4677abd6-84c1-4aa1-b27b-c06c15eb4b58" 10010
2e70752c-a135-4a94-ab1b-057d51eded0d "" _nvp_internal []
Manager table
_uuid inactivity_probe is_connected max_backoff other_config status target
------------------------------------ ---------------- ------------ ----------- ------------ ------ -----------------------
5cc533b6-3591-4d5f-9848-52a9d8b38cab 30000 false 3000 {} {} "ssl:"
Mcast_Macs_Local table
MAC _uuid ipaddr locator_set logical_switch
--- ----- ------ ----------- --------------
Mcast_Macs_Remote table
MAC _uuid ipaddr locator_set logical_switch
--- ----- ------ ----------- --------------
Physical_Locator table
_uuid dst_ip encapsulation_type
------------------------------------ ---------------- ------------------
e4e82b72-bfb8-4534-8e67-990d92b2e104 "" "vxlan_over_ipv4"
d69f550e-c90d-4327-a294-465d734a595c "" "vxlan_over_ipv4"
acb5aea7-db90-436e-a180-93561249c74c "" "vxlan_over_ipv4"
Physical_Locator_Set table
_uuid locators
----- --------
Physical_Port table
_uuid description name port_fault_status vlan_bindings vlan_stats
------------------------------------ ----------- ----------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------ ----------
c012b9a0-d840-4de2-9599-499ac27929a0 "" "te-1/1/31" [] {100=be9b786a-d5ab-4f78-8cf7-e15e2c336994} {}
Physical_Switch table
_uuid description management_ips name ports switch_fault_status tunnel_ips tunnels
------------------------------------ ----------- -------------- ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ----------------- -------
7eea2f69-e31e-4a71-a997-3a370bd7f468 "" [] "br0" [95d3ce46-6ddd-4897-acae-9417938fc463, c012b9a0-d840-4de2-9599-499ac27929a0] [] [""] []
Tunnel table
_uuid bfd_config_local bfd_config_remote bfd_params bfd_status local remote
----- ---------------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------
Ucast_Macs_Local table
MAC _uuid ipaddr locator logical_switch
------------------- ------------------------------------ ------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------
"70:72:cf:9d:6f:fb" 50f22ba9-3055-4f68-803b-43bdcc722ae6 "" d69f550e-c90d-4327-a294-465d734a595c be9b786a-d5ab-4f78-8cf7-e15e2c336994
Ucast_Macs_Remote table
MAC _uuid ipaddr locator logical_switch
------------------- ------------------------------------ ------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------
"00:50:56:ae:46:d3" 4e8261ea-5b2a-49a3-af28-f5e302fde888 "" e4e82b72-bfb8-4534-8e67-990d92b2e104 be9b786a-d5ab-4f78-8cf7-e15e2c336994
"00:50:56:ae:5a:30" 6178ea7c-3f90-47fb-bf3f-a7a2f32b0696 "" e4e82b72-bfb8-4534-8e67-990d92b2e104 be9b786a-d5ab-4f78-8cf7-e15e2c336994

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