Example for Configuring SPT Switchover in PIM-SM Domain

Example for Configuring SPT Switchover in PIM-SM Domain

Networking Requirements

Receiver could receive the Video-on-Demand information in multicast mode. By default, when SPT switchover function is enabled, the receiver-side DR initiates SPT switchover to the source immediately after receiving the first multicast packet and find the best path to receive the multicast packets from the source. You can also use SPT switchover configuration to set the rate threshold of the multicast packets in a measurement interval to initiate SPT switchover.

As shown in Figure 1, it is required that the Receiver can receive multicast data properly through the path Source->SwitchC->SwitchB->SwitchA->Receiver. When the rate of multicast data reaches 120000 bytes within 10s, SwitchA performs SPT switchover after which the receiving path of Receiver changes to Source->SwitchC->SwitchA->Receiver.

Figure 1. SPT Switchover in PIM-SM Domain

Configuration Roadmap

Follow the roadmap below to configure SPT switchover in PIM-SM domain:

  1. Configure an IP address for each interface and a unicast routing protocol.
  2. Enable PIM-SM on all interfaces and enable IGMP on the interface that connects to the Receiver.



Step1       Configure VLAN.

admin@XorPlus# set vlans vlan-id 20 l3-interface vlan20
admin@XorPlus# set vlans vlan-id 60 l3-interface vlan60
admin@XorPlus# set vlans vlan-id 100 l3-interface vlan100
admin@XorPlus# set interface gigabit-ethernet ge-1/1/3 family ethernet-switching native-vlan-id 100
admin@XorPlus# set interface gigabit-ethernet ge-1/1/25 family ethernet-switching native-vlan-id 20
admin@XorPlus# set interface gigabit-ethernet ge-1/1/26 family ethernet-switching native-vlan-id 60
admin@XorPlus# set l3-interface loopback lo address prefix-length 32
admin@XorPlus# set l3-interface vlan-interface vlan20 address prefix-length 24
admin@XorPlus# set l3-interface vlan-interface vlan60 address prefix-length 24
admin@XorPlus# set l3-interface vlan-interface vlan100 address prefix-length 24

Step2       Enable IP routing.

admin@Xorplus# set ip routing enable true

Step3       Enable IGMP on the L3 VLAN interfaces of the PIM router connected to the receiver.

admin@XorPlus# set protocols igmp interface vlan100

Step4       Enable PIM-SM on the L3 VLAN interfaces.

admin@XorPlus# set protocols pim interface vlan20
admin@XorPlus# set protocols pim interface vlan60
admin@XorPlus# set protocols pim interface vlan100

Step5       Configure OSPF routes to other switches.

admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf router-id
admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf traceoption packet all
admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf interface lo area 
admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf interface vlan20 area
admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf interface vlan60 area
admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf interface vlan100 area

Step6      Commit the configuration.

admin@Xorplus# commit

Step7      Verify the configuration.

  • Run run show pim interface command to show information about all interfaces on which PIM-SM is enabled.
admin@Xorplus# run show pim interface
Interface    State      Mode     V  PIMstate  Priority  DRaddr    Neighbors
----------   --------   ------   -   --------  --------   ---------------   ---------
loopback     UP         Sparse   2   DR         1      0    
vlan20       UP         Sparse   2   NotDR      1          1       
vlan60       UP         Sparse   2   NotDR      1          1       
vlan100      UP         Sparse   2   DR         1         0 
  • Run run show pim neighbors command to show information about about PIM neighbors.
admin@Xorplus# run show pim neighbors
Interface    DRpriority NeighborAddr    V   Mode   Holdtime   Timeout
----------   ---------- -------------   -   ----   --------   -------
vlan20       1        2   Sparse 105        84  
vlan60       1        2   Sparse 105        83 
  • Run run show pim join command to show information about PIM multicast routing state.
admin@Xorplus# run show pim join
Group           Source          RP              Flags
------------   -------------   -------------   -----        WC
    Upstream interface (RP):   vlan20
    Upstream MRIB next hop (RP):
    Upstream RPF'(*,G):
    Upstream state:            Joined
    Join timer:                18
    Local receiver include WC: vlan10
    Joins RP:                  None
    Joins WC:                  None
    Join state:                None
    Prune state:               None
    Prune pending state:       None
    I am assert winner state:  None
    I am assert loser state:   vlan20
    Assert winner WC:          None
    Assert lost WC:            None
    Assert tracking WC:        vlan10,vlan20
    Could assert WC:           vlan10
    I am DR:                   vlan10,register_vif
    Immediate olist RP:        None
    Immediate olist WC:        vlan10
    Inherited olist SG:        vlan10
    Inherited olist SG_RPT:    vlan10
    PIM include WC:            vlan10


Step1       Configure VLAN.

admin@XorPlus# set vlans vlan-id 20 l3-interface vlan20
admin@XorPlus# set vlans vlan-id 30 l3-interface vlan30
admin@XorPlus# set interface gigabit-ethernet ge-1/1/49 family ethernet-switching native-vlan-id 20
admin@XorPlus# set interface gigabit-ethernet ge-1/1/50 family ethernet-switching native-vlan-id 30
admin@XorPlus# set l3-interface loopback lo address prefix-length 32
admin@XorPlus# set l3-interface vlan-interface vlan20 address prefix-length 24
admin@XorPlus# set l3-interface vlan-interface vlan30 address prefix-length 24

Step2       Enable IP routing.

admin@Xorplus# set ip routing enable true

Step3       Enable PIM-SM on the L3 VLAN interfaces.

admin@XorPlus# set protocols pim interface vlan20
admin@XorPlus# set protocols pim interface vlan30

Step4       Configure OSPF routes to other switches.

admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf router-id
admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf traceoptions packet all detail
admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf interface lo area
admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf interface vlan20 area
admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf interface vlan30 area

Step5      Commit the configuration.

admin@Xorplus# commit

Step6      Verify the configuration.

  • Run run show pim interface command to show information about all interfaces on which PIM-SM is enabled.
admin@Xorplus#  run show pim interface
Interface    State    Mode    V  PIMstate  Priority DRaddr  Neighbors
----------   --------   ------   -   --------   --------   ---------------   ---------
loopback     UP         Sparse   2   DR         1    0       
vlan20       UP         Sparse   2   DR         1   1       
vlan30       UP         Sparse   2   NotDR      1   1 
  • Run run show pim neighbors command to show information about about PIM neighbors.
admin@Xorplus# run show pim neighbors
Interface    DRpriority NeighborAddr    V   Mode   Holdtime   Timeout
----------   ---------- -------------   -   ----   --------   -------
vlan20       1        2   Sparse 105        84    
vlan30       1        2   Sparse 105        81 


Step1       Configure VLAN.

admin@XorPlus# set vlans vlan-id 30 l3-interface vlan30
admin@XorPlus# set vlans vlan-id 60 l3-interface vlan60
admin@XorPlus# set vlans vlan-id 200 l3-interface vlan200
admin@XorPlus# set interface gigabit-ethernet ge-1/1/3 family ethernet-switching native-vlan-id 200
admin@XorPlus# set interface gigabit-ethernet ge-1/1/25 family ethernet-switching native-vlan-id 30
admin@XorPlus# set interface gigabit-ethernet ge-1/1/26 family ethernet-switching native-vlan-id 60
admin@XorPlus# set l3-interface loopback lo address prefix-length 32
admin@XorPlus# set l3-interface vlan-interface vlan30 address prefix-length 24
admin@XorPlus# set l3-interface vlan-interface vlan60 address prefix-length 24
admin@XorPlus# set l3-interface vlan-interface vlan200 address prefix-length 24

Step2       Enable IP routing.

admin@Xorplus# set ip routing enable true

Step3       Enable PIM-SM on the L3 VLAN interfaces.

admin@XorPlus# set protocols pim interface vlan30
admin@XorPlus# set protocols pim interface vlan60
admin@XorPlus# set protocols pim interface vlan200

Step4       Configure OSPF routes to other switches.

admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf router-id
admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf traceoption packet all detail
admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf interface lo area
admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf interface vlan20 area
admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf interface vlan60 area
admin@XorPlus# set protocols ospf interface vlan100 area

Step5      Commit the configuration.

admin@Xorplus# commit

Step6     Verify the configuration.

  • Run run show pim interface command to show information about all interfaces on which PIM-SM is enabled.
admin@Xorplus# run show pim interface
Interface    State   Mode     V   PIMstate   Priority DRaddr    Neighbors
----------   --------   ------   -   --------   --------   ---------------   ---------
vlan30       UP    Sparse   2   DR         1          1       
vlan60       UP    Sparse   2   DR         1          1       
vlan200      UP    Sparse   2   DR         1         0  
  • Run run show pim neighbors command to show information about about PIM neighbors.
admin@Xorplus# run show pim neighbors
Interface    DRpriority NeighborAddr    V   Mode   Holdtime   Timeout
----------   ---------- -------------   -   ----   --------   -------
vlan30       1        2   Sparse 105        87    
vlan60       1        2   Sparse 105        93
  • Run run show pim join command to show information about PIM multicast routing state.
admin@Xorplus# run show pim join
Group           Source          RP              Flags
-------------   -------------   -------------   -----        WC
    Upstream interface (RP):   vlan40
    Upstream MRIB next hop (RP):
    Upstream RPF'(*,G):
    Upstream state:            Joined
    Join timer:                16
    Local receiver include WC: vlan20
    Joins RP:                  None
    Joins WC:                  vlan20
    Join state:                vlan20
    Prune state:               None
    Prune pending state:       None
    I am assert winner state:  vlan20
    I am assert loser state:   None
    Assert winner WC:          vlan20
    Assert lost WC:            None
    Assert tracking WC:        vlan20,vlan40
    Could assert WC:           vlan20
    I am DR:                   vlan20,register_vif
    Immediate olist RP:        None
    Immediate olist WC:        vlan20
    Inherited olist SG:        vlan20
    Inherited olist SG_RPT:    vlan20
PIM include WC:            vlan20

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