Cos-map Command

ovs-vsctl set-cos-map <TRUE|FALSE>

From Picos-2.6, user can enable/disable the cos-mapping, the default value is disabled. Once cos-mapping is enabled, the packet with the different cos value is mapped to queue0-7. 

 ovs-vsctl set-cos-map true
 ovs-vsctl set-cos-map false

Set dscp map on port:
 ovs-vsctl set interface ge-1/1/1 dscp_map=0=q1,1=q1,2=q2    
 equal to:
 ovs-vsctl set interface ge-1/1/1 dscp_map:0=q1 dscp_map:1=q1 dscp_map:2=q2  

  dscp range is [0, 63];
  queue range value is {q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7};
  if a dscp value is not configured, the default queue is q0.

Clear all dscp map on port:
 ovs-vsctl clear interface ge-1/1/1 dscp_map

 if no dscp_map configuration, the default map is:

       dscp   queue
    --------  -----
     0 -  7:   q0
     8 - 15:   q1
    16 - 23:   q2
    24 - 31:   q3
    32 - 39:   q4
    40 - 47:   q5
    48 - 55:   q6
    56 - 63:   q7

ovs-vsctl show-cos-map

Display the configuration of cos-mapping.

admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl show-cos-map    
cos mapping: enabled 

admin@PicOS-OVS$ovs-vsctl show-cos-map ge-1/1/1
cos mapping: enabled 
       dscp   queue
    --------  -----
     0 -  7:   q0
     8 - 15:   q1
    16 - 23:   q2
    24 - 31:   q3
    32 - 39:   q4
    40 - 47:   q5
    48 - 55:   q6
    56 - 63:   q7

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