PICOS Routing and Switching Command Reference
Command-Line Interface Commands
System Management Commands
- NAC Configuration Commands
- set protocols dot1x aaa radius authentication server-ip
- set protocols dot1x aaa radius authentication server-ip priority
- set protocols dot1x aaa radius authentication server-ip retry-num
- set protocols dot1x aaa radius authentication server-ip retry-interval
- set protocols dot1x aaa radius authentication server-ip detect-interval
- set protocols dot1x interface auth-mode 802.1x
- set protocols dot1x interface auth-mode 802.1x fallback-to-web disable
- set protocols dot1x interface auth-mode mac-radius
- set protocols dot1x interface auth-mode web
- set protocols dot1x interface authentication-open disable
- set protocols dot1x aaa radius dynamic-author client
- set protocols dot1x aaa radius dynamic-author client shared-key
- set protocols dot1x aaa radius nas-ip
- set protocols dot1x aaa radius accounting disable
- set protocols dot1x interface host-mode
- set protocols dot1x block-vlan-id
- set protocols dot1x server-fail-vlan-id
- set protocols dot1x filter sequence from destination-address-ipv4
- set protocols dot1x filter sequence from destination-address-ipv6
- set protocols dot1x filter sequence from destination-port
- set protocols dot1x filter sequence from ether-type
- set protocols dot1x filter sequence from source-address-ipv4
- set protocols dot1x filter sequence from source-address-ipv6
- set protocols dot1x filter sequence from source-port
- set protocols dot1x filter sequence from protocol
- set protocols dot1x filter sequence then action
- run show dot1x all
- run show dot1x interface
- run show dot1x server
- run show dot1x dynamic filter
- run show dot1x downloadable filter
- run show dot1x interface statistics gigabit-ethernet
- set protocols dot1x server-fail recovery-method
- set protocols dot1x aaa radius authentication server-ip consecutive-detect-num
- set protocols dot1x aaa vrf mgmt-vrf
- set protocols dot1x interface session-timeout
- set protocols dot1x interface recovery-timeout
- set protocols dot1x server-fail recovery-timeout
- set protocols dot1x interface max-sessions
- set protocols dot1x max-sessions-per-port
- set protocols dot1x aaa radius authentication server-ip auth-port
- set protocols dot1x aaa radius authentication server-ip acct-port
- set protocols dot1x aaa radius dynamic-author client port
- run show dot1x radius-port
- set protocols dot1x filter sequence from destination-mac-address
- set protocols dot1x filter sequence from vlan
- SNMP Configuration Commands
- set protocols snmp trap-group targets security-name
- set protocols lldp snmp-trap
- set protocols snmp trap-group event cpu-threshold enable
- set protocols snmp trap-group event cpu-threshold high
- set protocols snmp trap-group event cpu-threshold interval
- set protocols snmp trap-group event cpu-threshold low
- set protocols snmp trap-group event mac-threshold enable
- set protocols snmp trap-group event mac-threshold interval
- set protocols snmp trap-group event mac-threshold limit
- set protocols snmp trap-group vrf mgmt-vrf
- set protocols snmp trap-group version
- set protocols snmp v3 enable
- set protocols snmp v3 usm-user
- set protocols snmp v3 usm-user group
- set protocols snmp v3 group notify-view
- set protocols snmp v3 group read-view
- set protocols snmp v3 group write-view
- set protocols snmp v3 group security-level
- set protocols snmp v3 usm-user authentication-mode
- set protocols snmp v3 usm-user authentication-key
- set protocols snmp v3 usm-user privacy-mode
- set protocols snmp v3 usm-user privacy-key
- set protocols snmp v3 mib-view subtree mask
- set protocols snmp v3 mib-view subtree type
- set protocols snmp trap-group source-interface
- set protocols snmp community
- set protocols snmp community authorization
- set protocols snmp community clients
- set protocols snmp contact
- set protocols snmp location
- run show snmp statistics
- run show system boot-messages
- run show system connections
- run show system core-dumps
- run show system cpu-usage
- run show system date
- run show system fan
- run show system memory-usage
- run show system name
- run show system ntp-status
- run show system os
- run show system processes brief
- run show system processes detail
- run show system rollback compare to
- run show system rollback file
- run show system rollback list
- run show system rpsu
- run show system serial-number
- run show system temperature
- run show system uptime
- run show system users
- set system aaa local disable
- set system aaa radius accounting disable
- set system aaa radius accounting server-ip
- set system aaa radius accounting server-ip port
- set system aaa radius accounting server-ip shared-key
- set system aaa radius accounting server-ip timeout
- set system aaa radius authorization disable
- set system aaa radius authorization server-ip
- set system aaa radius authorization server-ip port
- set system aaa radius authorization server-ip shared-key
- set system aaa radius authorization server-ip timeout
- set system aaa radius vrf mgmt-vrf
- set system aaa tacacs-plus accounting
- set system aaa tacacs-plus authorization
- set system aaa tacacs-plus auth-type
- set system aaa tacacs-plus disable
- set system aaa tacacs-plus key
- set system aaa tacacs-plus port-number
- set system aaa tacacs-plus timeout
- set system aaa tacacs-plus server-ip
- set system aaa tacacs-plus source-interface
- set system aaa local-auth-fallback disable
- set system aaa tacacs-plus vrf mgmt-vrf
- set system hostname
- set system inband vlan-interface
- set system inband loopback
- set system inband routed-interface
- set system inband enable
- system login-acl network
- system login announcement
- system login user
- system login user admin class
- set system login user authentication plain-text-password
- system login user class
- set system timezone
- set system ntp server-ip
- set system ntp source-interface
- set system ntp vrf mgmt-vrf
- set interface gigabit-ethernet ptp mode
- set system services ssh connection-limit
- set system services ssh disable
- set system services ssh protocol-version v2
- set system services ssh rate-limit
- set system services ssh root-login
- set system services ssh idle-timeout
- set system services ssh port
- set system snmp-acl security-name network
- set system syslog server-ip
- set system syslog local-file
- set system syslog vrf mgmt-vrf
- set system usb disable
- set system management-ethernet eth0 ip-address {IPv4 | IPv6}
- set system management-ethernet eth0 ip-gateway {IPv4 | IPv6}
- set system management-ethernet eth1 ip-address {IPv4 | IPv6}
- set system management-ethernet eth1 ip-gateway {IPv4 | IPv6}
- show system management-ethernet
- run request system reboot
- run show system hwinfo
- ping
- traceroute
- tftp
- set protocols sflow collector vrf mgmt-vrf
- scp
- set system login banner
- upgrade2 image-file
- upgrade2 image-file backup-file
- upgrade2 image-file factory-default
- upgrade2 image-file use-prev-config
- set system dns-server-ip
- set system console idle-timeout
- set system login multiline-banner message
- set system login multiline-announcement message
- set system aaa radius source-interface
- set protocols grpc enable
- set protocols grpc port
- Mirror Configuration Commands
- set interface ethernet-switching-options analyzer input
- set interface ethernet-switching-options analyzer output
- set interface ethernet-switching-options analyzer erspan input
- set interface ethernet-switching-options analyzer erspan output source-ip
- set interface ethernet-switching-options analyzer erspan output dest-ip
- set interface ethernet-switching-options analyzer erspan output vrf
- run show analyzer
- set firewall filter sequence then erspan source-ip
- set firewall filter sequence then erspan dest-ip
- set firewall filter sequence then erspan vrf
- set firewall filter sequence then erspan ttl
- set system ztp enable
Interface Configuration Commands
- Port Security Commands
- set interface gigabit-ethernet port-security mac-address vlan
- set interface gigabit-ethernet port-security mac-limit
- set interface gigabit-ethernet port-security sticky
- set interface gigabit-ethernet port-security violation
- set interface gigabit-ethernet port-security block
- set interface ethernet-switching-options port-error-discard timeout
- run show port-security brief
- run show port-security address
- run show port-security interface
- run clear port-security port-error
- run clear port-security sticky interface
- run clear port-security sticky address
- run clear port-security dynamic interface
- run clear port-security dynamic address
- IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol Command Reference
- set l3-interface vlan-interface ipv6-nd home-agent-lifetime
- set l3-interface vlan-interface ipv6-nd prefix off-link
- set l3-interface vlan-interface ipv6-nd ra-interval
- set l3-interface vlan-interface ipv6-nd other-config-flag
- set l3-interface routed-interface ipv6-nd home-agent-lifetime
- set l3-interface routed-interface ipv6-nd ra-interval
- set l3-interface routed-interface ipv6-nd ra-fast-retrans
- set l3-interface vlan-interface ipv6-nd router-preference
- set l3-interface vlan-interface ipv6-nd reachable-time
- set l3-interface routed-interface ipv6-nd home-agent-preference
- set l3-interface routed-interface ipv6-nd adv-interval-option
- set l3-interface vlan-interface ipv6-nd suppress-ra
- set l3-interface routed-interface ipv6-nd reachable-time
- set l3-interface vlan-interface ipv6-nd prefix router-address
- set l3-interface routed-interface ipv6-nd suppress-ra
- set l3-interface routed-interface ipv6-nd other-config-flag
- set l3-interface routed-interface ipv6-nd prefix router-address
- set l3-interface vlan-interface ipv6-nd ra-fast-retrans
- set l3-interface vlan-interface ipv6-nd managed-config-flag
- set l3-interface routed-interface ipv6-nd prefix off-link
- set l3-interface vlan-interface ipv6-nd mtu
- set l3-interface routed-interface ipv6-nd mtu
- set l3-interface vlan-interface ipv6-nd prefix preferred-lifetime
- set l3-interface routed-interface ipv6-nd router-preference
- set l3-interface routed-interface ipv6-nd ra-lifetime
- set l3-interface vlan-interface ipv6-nd prefix valid-lifetime
- set l3-interface routed-interface ipv6-nd home-agent-config-flag
- set l3-interface vlan-interface ipv6-nd adv-interval-option
- set l3-interface routed-interface ipv6-nd prefix preferred-lifetime
- set l3-interface routed-interface ipv6-nd managed-config-flag
- set l3-interface vlan-interface ipv6-nd home-agent-config-flag
- set l3-interface routed-interface ipv6-nd prefix valid-lifetime
- set l3-interface vlan-interface ipv6-nd home-agent-preference
- set l3-interface vlan-interface ipv6-nd ra-lifetime
- Routed Interface
- set interface aggregate-ethernet routed-interface enable
- set interface gigabit-ethernet routed-interface enable
- set interface gigabit-ethernet routed-interface sub-interface
- run show interface routed-interface brief
- run show vlans routed-vlan
- set interface aggregate-ethernet routed-interface sub-interface vlan-id
- set interface aggregate-ethernet routed-interface name
- set interface gigabit-ethernet routed-interface name
- set vlans reserved-vlan
- L3 Interface
- set l3-interface vlan-interface vrf
- set l3-interface vlan-interface address prefix-length
- set l3-interface loopback address
- set l3-interface loopback disable
- set l3-interface loopback vrf
- set l3-interface vlan-interface rate-limit
- set l3-interface vlan-interface mtu
- set l3-interface vlan-interface dhcp
- run show l3-interface vlan-interface
- run show l3-interface
- run show l3-interface loopback
- run clear l3-interface statistics
- set l3-interface routed-interface dhcp
- set l3-interface routed-interface rate-limit
- set l3-interface routed-interface mtu
- set l3-interface routed-interface vrf
- set l3-interface routed-interface address
- set l3-interface routed-interface description
- run show l3-interface routed-interface
- Uplink Failure Detection Commands
- interface aggregate-balancing hash-mapping field ethernet-destination-address disable
- interface aggregate-balancing hash-mapping field ethernet-source-address disable
- interface aggregate-balancing hash-mapping field ethernet-type disable
- interface aggregate-balancing hash-mapping field ingress-interface disable
- interface aggregate-balancing hash-mapping field ip-destination disable
- interface aggregate-balancing hash-mapping field ip-protocol disable
- interface aggregate-balancing hash-mapping field ip-source disable
- interface aggregate-balancing hash-mapping field port-destination disable
- interface aggregate-balancing hash-mapping field port-source disable
- interface aggregate-balancing hash-mapping field vlan disable
- set interface aggregate-ethernet
- set interface aggregate-ethernet description
- set interface aggregate-ethernet disable
- interface aggregate-ethernet <lag_name> aggregated-ether-options flow-control
- set interface aggregate-ethernet aggregated-ether-options lacp
- interface aggregate-ethernet <lag_name> aggregated-ether-options min-selected-port
- interface aggregate-ethernet <lag_name> backup-port delay
- interface aggregate-ethernet <lag_name> backup-port interface
- interface aggregate-ethernet <lag_name> backup-port mode
- interface aggregate-ethernet <lag_name> crossflow enable
- interface aggregate-ethernet <lag_name> crossflow local-control
- interface aggregate-ethernet <lag_name> family ethernet-switching dot1q-tunneling egress
- interface aggregate-ethernet <lag_name> family ethernet-switching dot1q-tunneling ether-type
- interface aggregate-ethernet <lag_name> family ethernet-switching dot1q-tunneling ingress
- interface aggregate-ethernet <lag_name> family ethernet-switching dot1q-tunneling mode
- interface aggregate-ethernet <lag_name> family ethernet-switching native-vlan-id
- set interface aggregate-ethernet family ethernet-switching port-mode
- set interface aggregate-ethernet family ethernet-switching vlan members
- interface aggregate-ethernet <lag_name> hash-mapping mode
- interface aggregate-ethernet <lag_name> mtu
- interface aggregate-ethernet <lag_name> snmp-trap
- interface aggregate-ethernet <lag_name> static-ethernet-switching mac-address <macaddr> vlan
- interface aggregate-ethernet <lag_name> storm-control <mode> pps
- set interface bpdu-tunneling destination-mac
- interface cut-through-mode
- set interface ecmp hash-mapping field ingress-interface disable
- set interface ecmp hash-mapping field ip-destination disable
- set interface ecmp hash-mapping field ip-protocol disable
- set interface ecmp hash-mapping field ip-source disable
- set interface ecmp hash-mapping field port-destination disable
- set interface ecmp hash-mapping field port-source disable
- set interface ecmp hash-mapping field vlan disable
- interface ecmp max-path
- interface ethernet-switching-options buffer queue-limit
- interface ethernet-switching-options mac-table-aging-time
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> backup-port delay
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> backup-port interface
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> backup-port mode
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> crossflow enable
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> crossflow local-control
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> description
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> disable
- set interface gigabit-ethernet ether-options 802.3ad
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> ether-options flow-control
- set interface gigabit-ethernet family ethernet-switching bpdu-tunneling protocol
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> family ethernet-switching dot1q-tunneling egress
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> family ethernet-switching dot1q-tunneling ether-type
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> family ethernet-switching dot1q-tunneling ingress
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> family ethernet-switching dot1q-tunneling mode
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> family ethernet-switching native-vlan-id
- set interface gigabit-ethernet family ethernet-switching port-mode
- set interface gigabit-ethernet family ethernet-switching vlan members
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> mtu
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> power-preemphasis-level
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> snmp-trap
- set interface gigabit-ethernet speed
- set interface gigabit-ethernet auto-speeds
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> static-ethernet-switching mac-address <mac-address> vlan <vlan-id>
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> storm-control <mode> pps
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> wred queue <value> drop_probability
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> wred queue <value> ecn_thresh
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> wred queue <value> enable
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> wred queue <value> max_thresh
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> wred queue <value> min_thresh
- interface max-acl-rule-limit <egress/ingress>
- interface max-route-limit
- show interface aggregate-ethernet <lag_name>
- show interface aggregate-ethernet <lag_name> dot1q-tunneling
- show interface bpdu-tunneling
- show interface brief
- show interface detail
- show interface diagnostics optics all
- show interface flexlink
- show interface gigabit-ethernet <interface>
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> family ethernet-switching vlan members <vlan-id> untagged
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> link-fault-signaling ignore-local-fault <boolean>
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> link-fault-signaling ignore-remote-fault <boolean>
- set interface gigabit-ethernet up-mode
- set interface gigabit-ethernet breakout
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> storm-control <mode> ratio <value>
- set interface gigabit-ethernet fec
- show interface ecmp max-path
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> mac-learning <boolean>
- interface gigabit-ethernet <port> storm-control <mode> kbps
- run show interface diagnostics tdr
- set interface gigabit-ethernet cdr
- set interface gigabit-ethernet duplex auto
- set interface aggregate-ethernet aggregated-ether-options lacp fallback enable
- set interface aggregate-ethernet aggregated-ether-options lacp fallback timeout
- run show interface port-index-mapping
Voice VLAN Configuration Commands
- set interface gigabit-ethernet voice-vlan mode
- set interface gigabit-ethernet voice-vlan tagged mode
- set interface gigabit-ethernet voice-vlan vlan-id
- set vlans voice-vlan aging
- set vlans voice-vlan dscp
- set vlans voice-vlan local-priority
- set vlans voice-vlan mac-address mask
- set vlans voice-vlan mac-address description
- show vlans voice-vlan
- show vlans voice-vlan oui
- show vlans voice-vlan vlan-id <text>
ACL Configuration Commands
- set firewall filter description
- set firewall filter input interface
- set firewall filter input vlan-interface
- set firewall filter input routed-interface
- set firewall filter output interface
- set firewall filter output vlan-interface
- set firewall filter output routed-interface
- set firewall filter sequence description
- set firewall filter sequence from destination-address-ipv4
- set firewall filter sequence from destination-address-ipv6
- set firewall filter sequence from destination-mac-address
- set firewall filter sequence from destination-port
- set firewall filter sequence from ether-type
- set firewall filter sequence from ip trust-mode
- set firewall filter sequence from ip value
- set firewall filter sequence from protocol icmp
- set firewall filter sequence from protocol igmp
- set firewall filter sequence from protocol ip
- set firewall filter sequence from protocol ospf
- set firewall filter sequence from protocol others
- set firewall filter sequence from protocol tcp
- set firewall filter sequence from protocol tcp flags
- set firewall filter sequence from protocol udp
- set firewall filter sequence from source-address-ipv4
- set firewall filter sequence from source-address-ipv6
- set firewall filter sequence from source-mac-address
- set firewall filter sequence from source-port
- set firewall filter sequence from vlan
- set firewall filter sequence then action
- set firewall filter sequence then forwarding-class
- set firewall filter sequence log interval
- set firewall system-output disable
- set firewall time-range periodic start
- set firewall time-range periodic end
- run show filter
- run show timerange
QoS Configuration Commands
- class-of-service classifier <classifier-name>
- class-of-service classifier <classifier-name> forwarding-class <forwarding-class-name> code-point <code-point>
- class-of-service classifier <classifier-name> trust-mode <trust-mode>
- class-of-service forwarding-class <forwarding-class-name> local-priority <local-priority>
- class-of-service interface <port> classifier <classifier-name>
- class-of-service scheduler <scheduler-name> guaranteed-rate <guaranteed-rate>
- class-of-service scheduler <scheduler-name> mode SP
- class-of-service scheduler <scheduler-name> mode WFQ
- class-of-service scheduler <scheduler-name> mode WRR
- class-of-service scheduler <scheduler-name> weight <weight-id>
- class-of-service scheduler-profile <scheduler-profile-name> forwarding-class <forwarding-class-name> schedule <schedule-name>
- show class-of-service <text>
- set class-of-service interface scheduler-profile
- class-of-service interface <port> default-priority <default-priority-type> <default-priority-int>
- class-of-service pfc-profile <profile-name> code-point <code-point> drop <boolean>
- class-of-service interface <port> pfc-profile <profile-name>
- set firewall filter sequence then dscp
- set class-of-service scheduler max-rate
- CoPP Commands
- set class-of-service forwarding-class local-priority
- set class-of-service scheduler max-bandwidth-pps
- set class-of-service scheduler min-bandwidth-pps
- set class-of-service scheduler-profile copp-profile forwarding-classs scheduler
- set class-of-service scheduler weight
- set firewall filter copp sequence from destination-address-ipv4
- set firewall filter copp sequence from destination-address-ipv6
- set firewall filter copp sequence from destination-mac-address
- set firewall filter copp sequence from destination-port
- set firewall filter copp sequence from ether-type
- set firewall filter copp sequence from protocol
- set firewall filter copp sequence from source-address-ipv4
- set firewall filter copp sequence from source-address-ipv6
- set firewall filter copp sequence from source-mac-address
- set firewall filter copp sequence from source-port
- set firewall filter copp sequence from vlan
- set firewall filter copp sequence then forwarding-class
- set firewall filter copp sequence then dscp
- run show copp bandwidth
- run show copp statistics
- run show filter copp
- run show interface stm
- run clear copp statistics
- Buffer Management Commands
- Interface-based Rate Limiting Commands
- set interface gigabit-ethernet rate-limiting ingress kilobits
- set interface gigabit-ethernet rate-limiting ingress ratio
- set interface gigabit-ethernet rate-limiting ingress burst
- set interface gigabit-ethernet rate-limiting egress kilobits
- set interface gigabit-ethernet rate-limiting egress ratio
- set interface gigabit-ethernet rate-limiting egress burst
- ACL-based Traffic Policer Commands
Layer 3 Routing Commands
- run show neighbors
- run show route
- run show route forward-host
- run show route forward-route
- run show vrf
- set ip vrf
- set ip routing enable
- set system management-vrf enable
- BGP Commands
- run show bgp
- run show bgp neighbor
- run show bgp route
- set protocols bgp aggregate-address
- set protocols bgp always-compare-med
- set protocols bgp bestpath as-path type multipath-relax
- set protocols bgp bestpath bandwidth
- set protocols bgp bestpath compare-routerid
- set protocols bgp bestpath med missing-as-worst
- set protocols bgp cluster-id
- set protocols bgp graceful-shutdown
- set protocols bgp listen
- set protocols bgp local-as
- set protocols bgp max-med
- set protocols bgp multipath maximum-paths
- set protocols bgp neighbor activate
- set protocols bgp neighbor addpath-tx-all-paths
- set protocols bgp neighbor addpath-tx-bestpath-per-as
- set protocols bgp neighbor advertisement-interval
- set protocols bgp neighbor allowas-in
- set protocols bgp neighbor as-override
- set protocols bgp neighbor capability extended-nexthop
- set protocols bgp neighbor default-originate
- set protocols bgp neighbor description
- set protocols bgp neighbor disable-connected-check
- set protocols bgp neighbor ebgp-multihop
- set protocols bgp neighbor filter-list
- set protocols bgp neighbor next-hop-self
- set protocols bgp neighbor password
- set protocols bgp neighbor peer-group
- set protocols bgp neighbor prefix-list
- set protocols bgp neighbor remote-as
- set protocols bgp neighbor remove-private-as
- set protocols bgp neighbor route-map
- set protocols bgp neighbor route-reflector-client
- set protocols bgp neighbor send-community
- set protocols bgp neighbor shutdown
- set protocols bgp neighbor soft-reconfiguration
- set protocols bgp neighbor timers connect
- set protocols bgp neighbor timers holdtime
- set protocols bgp neighbor timers keepalive
- set protocols bgp neighbor ttl-security hops
- set protocols bgp neighbor update-source
- set protocols bgp network
- set protocols bgp network-import-check
- set protocols bgp peer-group
- set protocols bgp redistribute
- set protocols bgp route-map delay-timer
- set protocols bgp router-id
- set protocols bgp table-map
- set protocols bgp timers
- set protocols bgp update-delay
- set protocols bgp ebgp-requires-policy
- set protocols bgp neighbor timers delayopen
- set protocols bgp neighbor maximum-prefix
- set protocols bgp neighbor maximum-prefix-out
- set protocols bgp neighbor port
- set protocols bgp neighbor sender-as-path-loop-detection
- set protocols bgp fast-external-failover
- set protocols bgp confederation identifier
- set protocols bgp confederation peers
- set protocols bgp dampening
- set protocols bgp default local-preference
- OSPFv2 Commands
- set protocols ospf interface authentication-key
- set protocols ospf redistribute metric-type
- set protocols ospf multi-instance disable
- set protocols ospf interface message-digest-key md5
- set protocols ospf auto-cost reference-bandwidth
- set protocols ospf area area-type
- set protocols ospf passive-interface
- set protocols ospf max-metric router-lsa on-startup
- set protocols ospf interface retransmit-interval
- set protocols ospf traceoption zebra
- set protocols ospf interface hello-interval
- set protocols ospf router-id
- set protocols ospf traceoption lsa
- set protocols ospf area virtual-link message-digest-key md5
- set protocols ospf interface area
- set protocols ospf interface transmit-delay
- run show ospf database
- set protocols ospf traceoption ism
- set protocols ospf redistribute
- set protocols ospf redistribute route-map
- set protocols ospf max-metric router-lsa on-shutdown
- run show ospf interface
- set protocols ospf summary-address
- run show ospf route
- set protocols ospf area virtual-link dead-interval
- set protocols ospf default-information originate
- set protocols ospf area virtual-link hello-interval
- set protocols ospf area virtual-link
- set protocols ospf interface cost
- set protocols ospf interface network
- set protocols ospf area virtual-link retransmit-interval
- set protocols ospf aggregation timer
- set protocols ospf interface authentication message-digest
- set protocols ospf area virtual-link transmit-delay
- set protocols ospf timers lsa min-arrival
- set protocols ospf area virtual-link authentication
- run show ospf neighbor
- set protocols ospf default-metric
- set protocols ospf area filter-list prefix
- set protocols ospf timers throttle spf
- set protocols ospf area no-summary
- set protocols ospf area range
- set protocols ospf network area
- run clear ospf interface
- run show ospf border-routers
- set protocols ospf max-metric router-lsa administrative
- set protocols ospf area virtual-link authentication-key
- set protocols ospf compatible rfc1583
- set protocols ospf traceoption nsm
- set protocols ospf interface dead-interval
- set protocols ospf traceoption packet
- set protocols ospf log-adjacency-changes
- set protocols ospf interface priority
- run show ospf summary-address
- OSPFv3 Command Reference
- set protocols ospf6 interface ifmtu
- set protocols ospf6 redistribute
- set protocols ospf6 interface retransmit-interval
- set protocols ospf6 timers lsa min-arrival
- set protocols ospf6 traceoption spf
- set protocols ospf6 interface network
- set protocols ospf6 log-adjacency-changes
- set protocols ospf6 distance
- set protocols ospf6 timers throttle spf
- set protocols ospf6 interface passive
- set protocols ospf6 area stub no-summary
- set protocols ospf6 auto-cost reference-bandwidth
- set protocols ospf6 interface hello-interval
- set protocols ospf6 traceoption neighbor
- set protocols ospf6 traceoption lsa
- set protocols ospf6 area
- set protocols ospf6 stub-router administrative
- set protocols ospf6 area stub
- set protocols ospf6 area range
- set protocols ospf6 interface mtu-ignore
- set protocols ospf6 traceoption
- set protocols ospf6 interface transmit-delay
- set protocols ospf6 traceoption message
- set protocols ospf6 distance-ospf6
- set protocols ospf6 traceoption route
- set protocols ospf6 interface area
- set protocols ospf6 interface dead-interval
- set protocols ospf6 interface priority
- set protocols ospf6 traceoption zebra
- set protocols ospf6 traceoption border-routers
- set protocols ospf6 interface cost
- set protocols ospf6 router-id
- Static Route Configuration Commands
- Route Map Commands
- set routing route-map set-action metric-type
- set routing route-map matching-policy
- set routing large-community-list expanded
- set routing route-map call
- set routing route-map set-action community-additive
- set routing route-map set-action tag
- set routing extcommunity-list standard
- set routing route-map on-match
- set routing route-map match community
- set routing route-map match community-with-exact-match
- set routing large-community-list standard
- set routing route-map set-action large-community
- set routing community-list expanded
- set routing route-map set-action extcommunity bandwidth
- set routing route-map description
- set routing route-map match evpn vni
- set routing route-map set-action ipv6-next-hop
- set routing route-map set-action metric
- set routing route-map match ipv4-addr route-source
- set routing route-map match source-vrf
- set routing route-map set-action atomic-aggregate
- set routing route-map match ipv4-addr address
- set routing route-map set-action comm-list-delete
- set routing route-map match source-protocol
- set routing as-path-list
- set routing route-map set-action as-path prepend
- set routing route-map set-action originator-id
- set routing route-map match origin
- set routing route-map set-action src
- set routing route-map set-action as-path exclude
- set routing route-map set-action extcommunity bandwidth-non-transitive
- set routing route-map match evpn route-type
- set routing route-map match as-path
- set routing route-map match interface
- set routing route-map set-action ipv4-vpn-next-hop
- set routing route-map match peer
- set routing route-map set-action weight
- set routing route-map match extcommunity
- set routing route-map match large-community
- set routing community-list standard
- set routing route-map set-action local-preference
- set routing route-map match evpn default-route
- set routing route-map set-action aggregator
- set routing prefix-list
- run show routing route-map
- set routing route-map match local-preference
- set routing route-map match ipv4-addr next-hop
- set routing prefix-list description
- set routing route-map set-action origin
- set routing route-map set-action label-index
- set routing route-map set-action community
- set routing extcommunity-list expanded
- set routing route-map match tag
- set routing route-map match metric
- set routing route-map set-action large-comm-list-delete
- set routing route-map set-action extcommunity
- set routing route-map match ipv6-addr
- set routing route-map set-action ip-next-hop
- Route Leaking Commands
- BFD Configuration Commands
- set protocols bfd profile shutdown
- set protocols bfd multihop peer local-address shutdown
- set protocols pim interface bfd
- set protocols bfd peer echo transmit-interval
- run show bfd
- set protocols bfd multihop peer local-address receive-interval
- set protocols bfd multihop peer local-address detect-multiplier
- set protocols bfd profile receive-interval
- set protocols ospf interface bfd
- set protocols bfd peer passive-mode
- set protocols bfd profile minimum-ttl
- run show bfd counters
- set protocols bfd profile echo-mode
- set protocols bgp bfd
- run show bfd peers
- set protocols bfd peer minimum-ttl
- set protocols bfd peer echo receive-interval
- set protocols bfd multihop peer local-address passive-mode
- set protocols bfd profile passive-mode
- set protocols bfd peer transmit-interval
- set protocols ospf6 interface bfd
- set protocols bfd peer local-address
- set protocols bfd peer shutdown
- set protocols bfd peer detect-multiplier
- set protocols bfd profile echo receive-interval
- set protocols bfd peer receive-interval
- set protocols bfd profile transmit-interval
- set protocols bfd profile
- set protocols bfd multihop peer local-address transmit-interval
- set protocols bfd profile detect-multiplier
- set protocols bfd peer echo-mode
- set protocols bfd multihop peer local-address
- set protocols bfd profile echo transmit-interval
- set protocols bfd multihop peer local-address minimum-ttl
IP Multicast Commands
- IGMP Snooping Configuration Commands
- set protocols igmp-snooping max-response-time
- set protocols igmp-snooping vlan-id unregistered flood-all
- set protocols igmp-snooping vlan-id querier enable
- set protocols igmp-snooping vlan-id querier other-querier-timer
- set protocols igmp-snooping last-member-query-interval
- run show igmp-snooping
- set protocols igmp-snooping interface max-groups
- set protocols igmp-snooping robustness-variable
- run show igmp-snooping mrouter
- set protocols igmp-snooping vlan-id mrouter interface
- set protocols igmp-snooping vlan-id static group interface
- set protocols igmp-snooping vlan-id fast-leave
- set protocols igmp-snooping query-interval
- set protocols igmp-snooping vlan-id querier version
- set protocols igmp-snooping report-suppression
- set protocols igmp-snooping vlan-id querier address
- set protocols igmp-snooping enable
- set protocols igmp-snooping last-member-query-count
- run show igmp-snooping groups
- run show igmp-snooping querier
- set protocols igmp-snooping vlan-id enable
- IGMP Commands
- PIM Configuration Commands
- set protocols pim ecmp
- set protocols pim interface active-active
- set protocols pim interface drpriority
- set protocols pim interface hello holdtime
- set protocols pim interface hello interval
- set protocols pim interface sm
- set protocols pim interface use-source
- set protocols pim join-prune-interval
- set protocols pim keep-alive-timer
- set protocols pim packets
- set protocols pim register-suppress-time
- set protocols pim rp
- set protocols pim spt-switchover infinity-and-beyond
- set protocols pim ssm prefix-list
- run show pim interface
- run show pim rp-info
- run show pim neighbor
- run show pim upstream
- run show mroute
- run mtrace
- Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) Commands
Protocol Configuration Commands
- protocols arp aging-time
- set protocols arp interface address mac-address
- set protocols arp interface proxy
- set protocols arp inspection vlan disable
- set protocols arp inspection access-list ip mac-address
- set protocols arp inspection vlan access-list
- set protocols arp inspection trust-port
- run show arp
- run show arp inspection dhcp-binding
- run show arp inspection interface
- run show arp inspection vlan
- run show arp inspection access-list
- run show arp inspection statistics vlan
- protocols lacp interface <interface> priority
- protocols lacp priority
- protocols sflow agent-id
- protocols sflow collector udp-port
- protocols sflow disable
- protocols sflow header-len
- protocols sflow interface <port> disable
- protocols sflow interface <port> header-len
- protocols sflow interface <port> polling-interval
- protocols sflow interface <port> sampling-rate egress
- protocols sflow interface <port> sampling-rate ingress
- protocols sflow polling-interval
- protocols sflow sampling-rate egress
- protocols sflow sampling-rate ingress
- protocols sflow source-address
- set protocols dhcp snooping vlan
- set protocols dhcp snooping trust-port
- set protocols dhcp snooping vlan option82-policy
- set protocols dhcp snooping option82 circuit-id
- set protocols dhcp snooping option82 remote-id
- set protocols dhcp snooping option82 trust-all
- set protocols dhcp snooping binding file
- set protocols dhcp snooping binding write-delay
- run show dhcp snooping binding
- set protocols dhcp relay interface disable
- set protocols dhcp relay interface dhcp-server-address
- set protocols dhcp relay interface relay-agent-address
- set protocols dhcp relay interface option82-policy
- set protocols dhcp relay option82 circuit-id
- set protocols dhcp relay option82 remote-id
- set protocols dhcp relay option82 trust-all
- set protocols dhcp server pool network
- set protocols dhcp server pool range low
- set protocols dhcp server pool range high
- set protocols dhcp server pool domain-name
- set protocols dhcp server pool dns-server
- set protocols dhcp server pool default-router
- set protocols dhcp server pool lease-time
- set protocols dhcp server pool vrf
- run show dhcp server binding address
- run show dhcp server binding interface
- set protocols dhcp6 relay interface disable
- set protocols dhcp6 relay interface destination
- set protocols dhcp6 relay interface remote-id
- run show dhcp6 relay-stats
- set protocols lacp interface rate
- run show lldp neighbor
OpenFlow Commands in CrossFlow Mode
VLAN Configuration Commands
- set vlans dot1q-tunneling egress from
- set vlans dot1q-tunneling egress then action
- set vlans dot1q-tunneling egress then service-vlan
- set vlans dot1q-tunneling ingress from double-tag service-vlan
- set vlans dot1q-tunneling ingress from one-tag customer-vlan-list
- set vlans dot1q-tunneling ingress from untag enabled
- set vlans dot1q-tunneling ingress then
- set vlans vlan-id
- set vlans vlan-id description
- set vlans vlan-id l3-interface
- set vlans vlan-id vlan-name
- set vlans vlan-id private-vlan mode
- set vlans vlan-id private-vlan association
- set mac-map mac-address vlan
- run show vlans
- run show vlans private-vlan
- run show vlans private-vlan type
- run show mac-map
- set tracemac disable
- tracemac
VXLAN Commands
- vxlans source-interface address
- vxlans udp-port
- set vxlans vni <text> decapsulation mode
- vxlans vni <text> encapsulation mode
- vxlans vni <text> encapsulation vlan
- vxlans vni <text> flood vtep
- vxlans vni <text> flood vtep <ipv4-addr> mac-address
- vxlans vni <text> flood vtep <ipv4-addr> traffic-type
- set vxlans vni vlan
- set vxlans tunnel-mac-leaning disable
- OVSDB VTEP command
- set protocols ovsdb controller <controller-name> address
- set protocols ovsdb controller <controller-name> inactivity-probe-duration 30000
- set protocols ovsdb controller <controller-name> maximum-backoff-duration
- set protocols ovsdb controller <controller-name> port
- set protocols ovsdb controller c1 protocol
- set protocols ovsdb interface
- set protocols ovsdb management-ip
- set protocols ovsdb ssl bootstrap
- set protocols ovsdb ssl ca-cert
- set protocols ovsdb ssl private-key
- set vxlans ovsdb-managed
- set protocols ovsdb controller vrf mgmt-vrf
- set vxlans l3-vni prefix-routes-only
- set vxlans l3-vni
- set vxlans vni mcast-group
- run show vxlan statistics
- run clear vxlan statistics
- run show vxlan vni
- run show vxlan address-table
BGP EVPN Commands
- set interface aggregate-ethernet evpn mh es-id
- set protocols bgp evpn advertise-default-gw
- set protocols bgp evpn advertise-all-vni
- set protocols bgp evpn vni rd
- set protocols bgp evpn advertise ipv4-unicast
- set protocols bgp evpn advertise-svi-ip
- set l3-interface vlan-interface anycast mac
- set l3-interface routed-interface router-mac
- set vxlans vni arp-nd-suppress disable
- set protocols bgp neighbor evpn activate
- run show evpn mac vni
- run show evpn es
- run show bgp evpn vni
- set protocols bgp evpn advertise ipv6-unicast
- set protocols bgp neighbor evpn route-reflector-client
- set protocols bgp evpn vni advertise-subnet
- set protocols evpn mh mac-holdtime
- set protocols evpn mh redirect-off
- set protocols bgp neighbor evpn route-map
- run show bgp evpn summary
- set interface aggregate-ethernet evpn mh es-sys-mac
- set interface aggregate-ethernet evpn mh es-df-pref
- set protocols bgp evpn vni advertise-svi-ip
- set protocols bgp evpn disable-ead-evi-tx
- set l3-interface vlan-interface router-mac
- set protocols bgp vrf evpn advertise-pip ip
- set protocols bgp evpn vni
- set protocols evpn mh startup-delay
- set protocols bgp neighbor evpn allowas-in
- set protocols bgp evpn default-originate
- set protocols bgp evpn vni advertise-default-gw
- run show bgp evpn route
- set l3-interface vlan-interface anycast address
- set protocols bgp evpn vni route-target type
- set protocols bgp evpn disable-ead-evi-rx
- set protocols evpn mh neigh-holdtime
PoE Configuration Commands
- set poe interface max-power
- set poe interface detection-type
- set poe interface enable
- set poe interface mode
- set poe interface priority
- set poe interface threshold-mode
- set poe power management-mode
- set poe power mode
- set poe interface lldp-negotiation
- set poe power voltage
- run show poe interface
- run show poe power
VRRP Commands
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid disable
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid version
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid ip
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid priority
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid interval
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid preempt enable
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid load-balance disable
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid load-balance virtual-mac time-interval
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid accept disable
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid authentication type
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid simple-key
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid md5-key
- run show vrrp
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid ipv6-nd adv-interval-option
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid ipv6-nd home-agent-config-flag
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid ipv6-nd home-agent-lifetime
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid ipv6-nd home-agent-preference
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid ipv6-nd managed-config-flag
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid ipv6-nd mtu
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid ipv6-nd other-config-flag
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid ipv6-nd prefix off-link
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid ipv6-nd prefix valid-lifetime
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid ipv6-nd prefix preferred-lifetime
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid ipv6-nd prefix router-address
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid ipv6-nd ra-fast-retrans
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid ipv6-nd ra-interval
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid ipv6-nd ra-lifetime
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid ipv6-nd reachable-time
- set protocols vrrp interface vrid ipv6-nd router-preference
Spanning Tree Protocol Commands
- set protocols spanning-tree pvst vlan forward-delay
- set protocols spanning-tree stp interface tcn-guard
- set protocols spanning-tree mstp interface mode
- set protocols spanning-tree mstp interface manual-forwarding
- set protocols spanning-tree mstp forward-delay
- set protocols spanning-tree pvst vlan max-age
- set protocols spanning-tree rstp interface tcn-guard
- set protocols spanning-tree pvst interface bpdu-guard
- run show spanning-tree mstp
- run show spanning-tree stp
- set protocols spanning-tree mstp interface port-priority
- set protocols spanning-tree mstp msti interface cost
- set protocols spanning-tree pvst vlan hello-time
- set protocols spanning-tree mstp interface internal-path-cost
- run show spanning-tree
- set protocols spanning-tree stp interface mode
- set protocols spanning-tree rstp interface edge
- set protocols spanning-tree rstp hello-time
- set protocols spanning-tree pvst interface manual-forwarding
- set protocols spanning-tree pvst interface root-guard
- set protocols spanning-tree pvst vlan enable
- set protocols spanning-tree pvst vlan bridge-priority
- set protocols spanning-tree stp interface edge