run show mvrp interface

The run show mvrp interface command is used to view MVRP information on a specific interface, including MVRP Status, Registrar State, Timers and VLANs learned by the interface through MVRP.

Command Syntax

run show mvrp interface <interface-name>




interface <interface-name>

Specifies an interface name that enabled MVRP. The value could be a physical interface or a LAG interface.


  • View the configuration information of MVRP.
admin@PICOS# run show mvrp interface te-1/1/21  
Port            Status         Registrar State
te-1/1/21       enabled        normal 

Port            Leave Timeout  LeaveAll Timeout  Periodic Timeout
te-1/1/21       5                 60                  1 

Port            Vlans Added
te-1/1/21       10, 11

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