ovs-ofctl mod−port <bridge> <iface> <action>

Modify behaviors of port <iface> in switch. <iface> can be an OpenFlow port number or name, or the LOCAL port name. The <action> can be as follows:

ovs-ofctl mod-port <bridge> <iface> up

ovs-ofctl mod-port <bridge> <iface> down

Enable or disable the port link status.

ovs-ofctl mod-port <bridge> <iface> receive

ovs-ofctl mod-port <bridge> <iface> no−receive

Allow or disallow this interface to receive traffic. By default, receiving is allowed.

ovs-ofctl mod-port <bridge> <iface> forward

ovs-ofctl mod-port <bridge> <iface> no−forward

Allow or disallow traffic forwarding on this interface. By default, forwarding is allowed.

ovs-ofctl mod-port <bridge> <iface> flood

ovs-ofctl mod-port <bridge> <iface> no−flood

Controls whether the interface is to flood the received traffic or not. By default, flooding is enabled. Disabling flooding is primarily useful to prevent loops when a spanning tree protocol is not in use.




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