Provision Script
The provision script describes what is required and how to execute when you upgrade and configure PicOS through ZTP. You can customize the provision script through running the generate_script file. The generate_script is provided in the format of Shell and Python, and you can click or to download. The detailed contents are shown as below.
Generate Script in the Shell Format
Shell Script Content
function prompt_choice() {
echo "Please choose an option to configure (enter the number to select, enter 'done' to generate the script):
1. Add remote Syslog server
2. Remove remote Syslog server
3. Get file from TFTP server
4. Get file from HTTP server
5. Enable ZTP auto-run when switch boot up
6. Disable ZTP auto-run when switch boot up
7. Get PicOS image from file server and upgrade
8. Get PicOS startup file \"picos_start.conf\" from file server
9. Get PicOS configuration file \"pica_startup.boot\" from file server
10. Get file with PicOS L2/L3 CLI commands list and execute these commands
11. Get PicOS OVS configuration file \"ovs-vswitchd.conf.db\" from file server"
read -rp "Enter your choice: " choice
function generate_script() {
local config_commands=()
local revision=""
while true; do
case $choice in
read -rp "Enter syslog server IP address: " ip
config_commands+=("add_remote_syslog_server $ip")
read -rp "Enter the syslog server IP address to remove: " ip
config_commands+=("remove_remote_syslog_server $ip")
read -rp "Enter file name in TFTP server: " remote_file_name
read -rp "Enter file name with path in local: " local_file_name
read -rp "Enter TFTP server IP address (optional): " ip
config_commands+=("tftp_get_file $remote_file_name $local_file_name $ip")
read -rp "Enter file name with path in local: " local_file_name
read -rp "Enter file name with HTTP server URL: " file_name
config_commands+=("http_get_file $local_file_name $file_name")
5) config_commands+=("ztp_enable") ;;
6) config_commands+=("ztp_disable") ;;
read -rp "Enter tftp file name or http url: " file_name
read -rp "Enter the software revision of the image:" revision
read -rp "Enter TFTP server IP address (optional): " ip
config_commands+=("if [ \"\$revision\" != \"$revision\" ]; then get_picos_image $file_name $ip; fi")
read -rp "Enter tftp file name or http url: " file_name
read -rp "Enter TFTP server IP address (optional): " ip
config_commands+=("get_picos_startup_file $file_name $ip")
read -rp "Enter tftp file name or http url: " file_name
read -rp "Enter TFTP server IP address (optional): " ip
config_commands+=("get_l2l3_config_file $file_name $ip")
read -rp "Enter tftp file name or http url: " file_name
read -rp "Enter TFTP server IP address (optional): " ip
config_commands+=("l2l3_load_config $file_name $ip")
read -rp "Enter tftp file name or http url: " file_name
read -rp "Enter TFTP server IP address (optional): " ip
config_commands+=("get_ovs_config_file $file_name $ip")
echo "Invalid choice, please try again."
printf "\n"
# Generate Shell script
local script_name=""
echo "#!/bin/bash"
echo "source /usr/bin/"
echo ""
for command in "${config_commands[@]}"; do
echo "$command"
} > "$script_name"
printf "\n"
echo "Generated Shell script has been saved as $script_name"
# Run script generation program
Option Description of Shell Script
Make sure that names of all files configured in the script is the same with files placed in the file server, or the switch cannot obtain them successfully.
The IP address of TFTP server from DHCP server will be valid if it is not configured in the script.
Option | Description | Example |
| Specify the IPv4 address of the Syslog server. | The IPv4 address of Syslog server is configured as |
| Delete the IPv4 address of the Syslog server. | The IPv4 address of Syslog server is deleted. |
| Download a file with specified name from the TFTP server with a specified IP address and path, and save it in local with another specified name. The path /cftmp is valid if you don’t specify the local path here. | The file remote-file.txt in the TFTP server is downloaded and is saved in local as local-file.txt. |
| Download a file with specified name from the HTTP server with a specified URL and save it in local with another specified name. The root path is valid if you don’t specify the local path here. | The file remote-file.txt in the HTTP server is downloaded and is saved in local as local-file.txt. |
| Enable ZTP function after completing this ZTP process. You are suggested to configure this option at last, or it may be invalid. |
| Disable ZTP function after completing this ZTP process. You are suggested to configure this option at last, or it may be invalid. |
| Download the PicOS image from the TFTP server with the specified IP address, path and name, or from the HTTP server with URL. Then, upgrade the switch to the new version.
| The image onie-installer-picos-9.8.7-main-43d73dd983-x86v.bin in the working path of the TFTP server is downloaded, and the switch is upgraded to this new version with the version number 43d73dd983. |
| Download the PicOS startup file picos_start.conf from the TFTP server with the specified IP address, path and name, or from the HTTP server with URL. You don’t need to configure the TFTP server IP address when downloading files from the HTTP server. | The file picos_start.conf from the HTTP server is downloaded. |
| Download the L2/l3 configuration file pica_startup.boot from the TFTP server with the specified IP address, path and name, or from the HTTP server with URL. You don’t need to configure the TFTP server IP address when downloading files from the HTTP server. | The file pica_startup.boot from the HTTP server is downloaded. |
10. Get file with PicOS L2/L3 CLI commands list and execute these commands | Download the L2/l3 command file from the TFTP server with the specified IP address, path and name, or from the HTTP server with URL.
set vlans vlan-id 20
set vlans vlan-id 30 | The file ztpl2l3_cfg.cli in the working directory of the TFTP server is downloaded. |
11. Get PicOS OVS configuration file "ovs-vswitchd.conf.db" from file server | Download the OVS configuration file ovs-vswitchd.conf.db from the TFTP server with the specified IP address, path and name, or from the HTTP server with URL. You don’t need to configure the TFTP server IP address when downloading files from the HTTP server. | The file ovs-vswitchd.conf.db from the HTTP server is downloaded. |
Generate Script in the Python Format
Python Script Content
import os
def prompt_choice():
print("""Please choose an option to configure (enter the number to select, enter 'done' to generate the script):
1. Add remote Syslog server
2. Remove remote Syslog server
3. Get file from TFTP server
4. Get file from HTTP server
5. Enable ZTP auto-run when switch boot up
6. Disable ZTP auto-run when switch boot up
7. Get PicOS image from file server and upgrade
8. Get PicOS startup file "picos_start.conf" from file server
9. Get PicOS configuration file "pica_startup.boot" from file server
10. Get file with PicOS L2/L3 CLI commands list and execute these commands
11. Get PicOS OVS configuration file "ovs-vswitchd.conf.db" from file server""")
return input("Enter your choice: ")
def generate_script():
config_commands = []
while True:
choice = prompt_choice()
if choice == 'done':
if choice == '1':
ip = input("Enter syslog server IP address: ")
config_commands.append(f"add_remote_syslog_server {ip}")
elif choice == '2':
ip = input("Enter the syslog server IP address to remove: ")
config_commands.append(f"remove_remote_syslog_server {ip}")
elif choice == '3':
remote_file_name = input("Enter file name in TFTP server: ")
local_file_name = input("Enter file name with path in local: ")
ip = input("Enter TFTP server IP address (optional): ")
config_commands.append(f"tftp_get_file {remote_file_name} {local_file_name} {ip}")
elif choice == '4':
local_file_name = input("Enter file name with path in local: ")
file_name = input("Enter file name with HTTP server URL:: ")
config_commands.append(f"http_get_file {local_file_name} {file_name}")
elif choice == '5':
elif choice == '6':
elif choice == '7':
file_name = input("Enter tftp file name or http url: ")
revision = input("Enter the software revision of the image: ")
ip = input("Enter TFTP server IP address (optional): ")
config_commands.append(f'if [ "$revision" != "{revision}" ]; then get_picos_image {file_name} {ip}; fi')
elif choice == '8':
file_name = input("Enter tftp file name or http url: ")
ip = input("Enter TFTP server IP address (optional): ")
config_commands.append(f"get_picos_startup_file {file_name} {ip}")
elif choice == '9':
file_name = input("Enter tftp file name or http url: ")
ip = input("Enter TFTP server IP address (optional): ")
config_commands.append(f"get_l2l3_config_file {file_name} {ip}")
elif choice == '10':
file_name = input("Enter tftp file name or http url: ")
ip = input("Enter TFTP server IP address (optional): ")
config_commands.append(f"l2l3_load_config {file_name} {ip}")
elif choice == '11':
file_name = input("Enter tftp file name or http url: ")
ip = input("Enter TFTP server IP address (optional): ")
config_commands.append(f"get_ovs_config_file {file_name} {ip}")
print("Invalid choice, please try again.")
# Generate Shell script
script_name = ""
with open(script_name, 'w') as script_file:
script_file.write("source /usr/bin/\n")
for command in config_commands:
print(f"\nGenerated Shell script has been saved as {script_name}")
# Run script generation program
Option Description of Python Script
The description of the Python script is the same with the Shell script. For detailed information, see Option Description of Shell Script.
Configuration Example for Generating
Take the Shell script as an example to introduce how to use it:
Upload the Shell script to the Linux environment.
Use the command chmod +x to enable the executable permission.
Enter command ./ to run the script, and options are shown as below.
Select options of 1, 3 and 6 in sequence as needed, and enter done to generate the script.
The file named is generated in the current directory, which includes all selected options. The content of provision script is shown as below.
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