SP Configuration Example

SP Configuration Example

As shown in Fig 1, ge-1/1/1 and ge-1/1/2 are ingress ports, and ge-1/1/3 is an egress port. Use default scheduling model: priority trust model is IEEE 802.1.                     


                                                                           Fig 1. Configure SP

Configure two forwarding-classes

Configure forwarding-class f1 and f2 and their local-priorities.

admin@XorPlus# set class-of-service forwarding-class f1 local-priority 3
admin@XorPlus# set class-of-service forwarding-class f2 local-priority 6
admin@XorPlus# commit 
Commit OK.
Save done.

Configuring classifier

Configure classifier c1, c2, and trust mode. Also configure classifier relevant to forwarding class and code point.

admin@XorPlus# set class-of-service classifier c1 trust-mode ieee-802.1
admin@XorPlus# set class-of-service classifier c1 forwarding-class f1 code-point 5
admin@XorPlus# set class-of-service classifier c2 trust-mode ieee-802.1
admin@XorPlus# set class-of-service classifier c2 forwarding-class f2 code-point 7
admin@XorPlus# commit 
Commit OK.
Save done.

Apply classifiers to two ingress ports

Configure classifier c1 and apply it to port ge-1/1/1. Configure classifier c2 and apply it to port ge-1/1/2.

admin@XorPlus# set class-of-service interface ge-1/1/1 classifier c1
admin@XorPlus# set class-of-service interface ge-1/1/2 classifier c2
admin@XorPlus# commit 
Commit OK.
Save done.
admin@XorPlus# run show class-of-service interface ge-1/1/1
Interface : ge-1/1/1
802.1P       Priority Flow Control  RxPFC          TxPFC
----------- --------------------- --------------- ---------------
0            false                 0               0
1            false                 0               0
2            false                 0               0
3            false                 0               0
4            false                 0               0
5            false                 0               0
6            false                 0               0
7            false                 0               0
trust mode : ieee-802.1
Default ieee-802.1 : 0
Default dscp : 0
Default inet-precedence : 0
Local-priority   Queue-Schedule                 Code-points
--------------   --------------------------   ------------------------------
0                SP,0kbps                      0                        
1                SP,0kbps                      1                        
2                SP,0kbps                      2                        
3                SP,0kbps                      3,5                      
4                SP,0kbps                      4                        
5                SP,0kbps                                               
6                SP,0kbps                      6                        
7                SP,0kbps                      7                      
admin@XorPlus# run show class-of-service interface ge-1/1/2
Interface : ge-1/1/2
802.1P       Priority Flow Control RxPFC           TxPFC
----------- --------------------- --------------- ---------------
0            false                0                0
1            false                0                0
2            false                0                0
3            false                0                0
4            false                0                0
5            false                0                0
6            false                0                0
7            false                0                0

trust mode : ieee-802.1
Default ieee-802.1 : 0
Default dscp : 0
Default inet-precedence : 0
Local-priority   Queue-Schedule                 Code-points
--------------   --------------------------   ------------------------------
0                SP,0kbps                      0                        
1                SP,0kbps                      1                        
2                SP,0kbps                      2                        
3                SP,0kbps                      3                        
4                SP,0kbps                      4                        
5                SP,0kbps                      5                        
6                SP,0kbps                      6,7                      
7                SP,0kbps                                               

Generate Traffic

PC1 and PC2 generates traffic, which is matched with the corresponding classifier. Port PC1 and PC2 send 100% traffic to PC3 at the same time.

The expected result is that PC3 only can receive packets from PC2.

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