set protocols ospf6 graceful-restart helper enable

Run the command set protocols ospf6 graceful-restart helper enable to enable the OSPFv3 Graceful Restart (GR) Helper capability. By default, helper support is disabled for all neighbors. This config enables/disables helper support on this router for all neighbors. To enable/disable helper support for a specific neighbor, the router-id (A.B.C.D) has to be specified.

Optional parameter vrf can be used to specify a VRF, if no VRF is specified the command takes effect on the default VRF.

Optional parameter instance-id can be included to specify the OSPFv3 multi-instance ID in the default VRF. By default, OSPF GR Helper capability is disabled.

  • If helper is enabled for specific neighbors, the global helper configuration for other neighbors will not take effect.
  • Multiple instances of OSPF are only allowed in the default VRF. A maximum of 8 instance can be configured in the default VRF. In non-default VRFs, only single instance OSPF can be configured.

The command delete protocols ospf6 graceful-restart helper enable can be used to remove this configuration.

Command Syntax

set protocols ospf6 [instance-id <instance-id>] [vrf<vrf-name>graceful-restart helper [router-id <ipv4>] enable <true | false>

delete protocols ospf6 [instance-id <instance-id>] [vrf <vrf-name>graceful-restart helper [router-id <ipv4>] enable




instance-id <instance-id>Optional, specifies the OSPF instance ID. The value is an integer that ranges from 1 to 8.

vrf <vrf-name>

Optional. Specifies the name of the VRF for the OSPF instance.

trueEnables OSPF Graceful Restart (GR) Helper capability.
falseDisables OSPF Graceful Restart (GR) Helper capability.
router-id <ipv4>Optional. Specifies the router-id (A.B.C.D) of the neighbor device to enable/disable helper support for a specific neighbor.


  •  Enable OSPFv3 Graceful Restart (GR) Helper capability.
admin@PICOS# set protocols ospf6 instance-id 1 graceful-restart helper enable true
admin@PICOS# commit

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