set interface ethernet-switching-options buffer egress-queue mc-queue-dynamic-shared

set interface ethernet-switching-options buffer egress-queue mc-queue-dynamic-shared

The set interface ethernet-switching-options buffer egress-queue mc-queue-dynamic-shared command is used to enable or disable the dynamic mode of buffer management of the queue.

Command Syntax

set interface ethernet-switching-options buffer egress-queue <queue-index> mc-queue-dynamic-shared <true | false>




egress-queue <queue-index>

Specifies the interface queue. The value is an integer that ranges from 0 to 7.


On Trident and Trident+ based switches, known unicast packets can be assigned to a specific queue between queues from 0 to 7, while unknown unicast packets, multicast packets, and broadcast packets can be assigned to a specific queue between queues from 0 to 3.

mc-queue-dynamic-shared <true | false>

Enable or disable the dynamic mode of buffer management of the queue. The value could be true or false.

  •   true: enable the dynamic mode of buffer management of the queue.
  •   false: disable the dynamic mode of buffer management of the queue.

By default dynamic mode of buffer management is disabled.

Usage Guidelines

1.  Multicast queue

  •    static mode:  This is the default configuration

The value of the static threshold is configured for the multicast queue in the shared space. This avoids the scenario where the port enabled flow control or PFC affects the forwarding of other ports. But the disadvantage is less efficient use of memory. 

  •   dynamic mode: Need to configure

The memory threshold is adjusted dynamically according to the available shared memory in this mode. The thresholds value will dynamically decrease when the available shared memory decreases. The thresholds will rise up when the available shared memory rises up.

 2.  Unicast queue

  •    dynamic mode

Dynamic threshold is the default mode for the unicast queue, and it can't configure static threshold.


  •   Enable or disable the dynamic mode of buffer management of queue 0.
admin@Xorplus# set interface ethernet-switching-options buffer egress-queue 0 mc-queue-dynamic-shared true
admin@Xorplus# commit

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