run show vxlan vni

Run the command run show vxlan vni to list all interfaces, their types and the associated egress and VLAN IDs for a specific VNI. Interface types includes Access, Network (unicast) and Network (multicast).


admin@SVNE2# run show vxlan vni 10030
Interface      ID             Type           Egress     Vlan ID
-----------    -----------    -----------    -------    --------
ae1            0x80000004     Access         100012     30     
ae2            0x80000005     Access         100013     30     
te-1/1/9       0x80000006     Access         100014     30     
te-1/1/17      0x80000007     Network(UC)    200258            
te-1/1/17      0x80000009     Network(MC)    100020            
te-1/1/17      0x8000000a     Network(UC)    200258            
te-1/1/17      0x8000000c     Network(MC)    100022            
te-1/1/19      0x8000000d     Network(UC)    100017            
te-1/1/19      0x8000000f     Network(MC)    100024

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