set protocols bgp aggregate-address

set protocols bgp aggregate-address

The set protocols bgp aggregate-address as-set command creates an aggregate address entry in IPv4 or IPv6 format in the BGP routing table.
The delete protocols bgp aggregate-address as-set command removes the specified aggregate address entry.

Command Syntax

set protocols bgp [vrf <vrf-name>{ipv4-unicast|ipv6-unicast} aggregate-address <ipaddress/prefixlen> [as-set | summary-only]

delete protocols bgp [vrf <vrf-name>]{ipv4-unicast|ipv6-unicast} aggregate-address <ipaddress/prefixlen> [as-set | summary-only]




vrf <vrf-name>

Optional. Specifies a VRF name. The value is a string. It’s a user-defined VRF set by the command set ip vrf <vrf-name> [description <string>].

{ipv4-unicast|ipv6-unicast}Required. Specifies the IP address family type.
aggregate-address <ipaddress/prefixlen>
  • ipaddress specifies an aggregate address in IPv4 format (x.x.x.x), where x is a decimal number from 0 to 255. prefixlen specifies the number of bits in the address mask in CIDR format (x), where x is a decimal number from 0 to 128.
  • ipaddress specifies an aggregate address in IPv6 format (xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx), where x is a hexadecimal number from 0 to F. prefixlen specifies the number of bits in the address mask in CIDR format (x), where x is a decimal number from 0 to 128.
as-setOptional. The AS_PATH attribute advertised for this route will contain an AS_SET consisting of all AS numbers contained in all paths that are being summarized.
summary-onlyOptional. Creates the aggregate route but also suppresses advertisements of more-specific routes to all neighbors. This parameter can be used only for IPv6 address family type.

• This example creates an aggregate address entry in the BGP routing table.

admin@XorPlus# set protocols bgp ipv4-unicast aggregate-address
admin@XorPlus# commit

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