show vlans voice-vlan

Show voice vlan detail information.

Command Syntax
show vlans voice-vlan


Generally speaking, what the command shows contains two logical parts.


This part shows all the oui addresses and their mask and description.

      Oui_Address          Mask                 Description         
      0:1:e3:0:0:0         ff:ff:ff:0:0:0       Siemens phone       
      0:3:6b:0:0:0         ff:ff:ff:0:0:0       Cisco phone         
      0:4:d:0:0:0          ff:ff:ff:0:0:0       Avaya phone         
      0:60:b9:0:0:0        ff:ff:ff:0:0:0       Philips/NEC phone   
      0:d0:1e:0:0:0        ff:ff:ff:0:0:0       Pingtel phone       
      0:e0:75:0:0:0        ff:ff:ff:0:0:0       Polycom phone       
      0:e0:bb:0:0:0        ff:ff:ff:0:0:0       3com phone 

2.Specified voice-vlan id

The following example contains 4 voice-vlans. Let's take voice-vlan id:10 for example.

      Voice Vlan ID:10
      Voice Vlan local priority:6
      Voice Vlan dscp:46
      Voice Vlan aging time:1440 minutes
      Current voice vlan enabled port mode:
      Port           Mode      Tagged    Mac_Address      Status          
      ge-1/1/1       auto      false                      Aging:86274sec  


  • Voice Vlan ID: 10 means the voice-vlan id is 10
  • The following 3 items is global parameters, local priority, dscp and aging time is the same in all the 4 voice-vlans
      Voice Vlan local priority:6
      Voice Vlan dscp:46
      Voice Vlan aging time:1440 minutes
  • Port means the ports below are configured this voice-vlan id.
  • Mode means voice-vlan mode of the port: auto or manual.
  • Tagged means the outgoing packets with OUI source Mac-address from the port will be tagged of not. It has two values: true and false. True means tagged and false means untagged.
  • Mac_address displays OUI source Mac-address the port has learned. It shows the result of Oui_Address AND mask.
  • Status shows the voice-vlan working status of the port.

Status of Voice Vlan
Only auto mode has this status. This port won't be in this vlan after <text> seconds.
Voice vlan is working on the port. The port is in the vlan(voice-vlan id).
Only auto mode has this status, voice vlan is not working on the port.


• This example is to show voice-vlan detail information, ge-1/1/1 is auto mode and aging, ge-1/1/2 is auto mode and working, ge-1/1/3 is auto mode but not working, ge-1/1/4 is manual mode

admin@XorPlus# run show vlans voice-vlan   
Oui_Address          Mask                 Description         
0:1:e3:0:0:0         ff:ff:ff:0:0:0       Siemens phone       
0:3:6b:0:0:0         ff:ff:ff:0:0:0       Cisco phone         
0:4:d:0:0:0          ff:ff:ff:0:0:0       Avaya phone         
0:60:b9:0:0:0        ff:ff:ff:0:0:0       Philips/NEC phone   
0:d0:1e:0:0:0        ff:ff:ff:0:0:0       Pingtel phone       
0:e0:75:0:0:0        ff:ff:ff:0:0:0       Polycom phone       
0:e0:bb:0:0:0        ff:ff:ff:0:0:0       3com phone          
Voice Vlan ID:10
Voice Vlan local priority:6
Voice Vlan dscp:46
Voice Vlan aging time:1440 minutes
Current voice vlan enabled port mode:
Port           Mode      Tagged    Mac_Address      Status          
ge-1/1/1       auto      false                      Aging:86274sec  
Voice Vlan ID:20
Voice Vlan local priority:6
Voice Vlan dscp:46
Voice Vlan aging time:1440 minutes
Current voice vlan enabled port mode:
Port           Mode      Tagged    Mac_Address      Status          
ge-1/1/2       auto      false     0:1:e3:0:0:0     Working         
Voice Vlan ID:30
Voice Vlan local priority:6
Voice Vlan dscp:46
Voice Vlan aging time:1440 minutes
Current voice vlan enabled port mode:
Port           Mode      Tagged    Mac_Address      Status          
ge-1/1/3       auto      false                      Idle            
Voice Vlan ID:40
Voice Vlan local priority:6
Voice Vlan dscp:46
Voice Vlan aging time:1440 minutes
Current voice vlan enabled port mode:
Port           Mode      Tagged    Mac_Address      Status          
ge-1/1/4       manual    false                      Working       



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