run show l3-interface

To display information about all L3 interfaces, use the run show l3-interface command in L2/L3 configuration mode.

Command Syntax

run show l3-interface [brief | detail]


briefOptional. Show all L3 interfaces briefly.
detailOptional. Show detail information of all L3 interfaces.


  • The following example displays information about all L3 interfaces.
admin@Switch# run show l3-interface 
lo          Hwaddr E0:07:1B:C9:20:9B, Vlan:4095, MTU: 1500, State:UP 
            Inet addr: fe80::e207:1b20:c9:209b/64
            Traffic statistics:
              5 sec input rate IPv4 0 packets/sec, IPv6 0 packets/sec
              5 sec forwarding rate IPv4 0 packets/sec, IPv6 0 packets/sec
              IPv4 Input Packets............................0
              IPv4 Forwarding Packets.......................0
              IPv6 Input Packets............................0
              IPv6 Forwarding Packets.......................0

vlan10      Hwaddr E0:07:1B:C9:20:9B, Vlan:10, MTU: 1450, State:UP 
            Inet addr:
            Traffic statistics:
              5 sec input rate IPv4 0 packets/sec, IPv6 0 packets/sec
              5 sec forwarding rate IPv4 0 packets/sec, IPv6 0 packets/sec
              IPv4 Input Packets............................0
              IPv4 Forwarding Packets.......................0
              IPv6 Input Packets............................0
              IPv6 Forwarding Packets.......................0

vlan100     Hwaddr E0:07:1B:C9:20:9B, Vlan:100, MTU: 1500, State:DOWN 
            Traffic statistics:
              5 sec input rate IPv4 0 packets/sec, IPv6 0 packets/sec
              5 sec forwarding rate IPv4 0 packets/sec, IPv6 0 packets/sec
              IPv4 Input Packets............................0
              IPv4 Forwarding Packets.......................0
              IPv6 Input Packets............................0
              IPv6 Forwarding Packets.......................0
  • This example shows all L3 interfaces briefly:
admin@XorPlus# run show l3-interface brief 
Interface    Vlan ID    Status    Addr
---------    -------    ------    ------------------
lo           4095       UP        fe80::e207:1b20:c9:209b/64
vlan10       10         UP
vlan100      100        DOWN      
vlan1000     1000       UP

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