set firewall time-range periodic end

set firewall time-range periodic end

The set firewall time-range periodic end command configures the ending time of a time range.

The delete firewall time-range periodic end command deletes the configuration.

Command Syntax

set firewall time-range <time-range-name> periodic <periodic> <daily | friday | monday | saturday | sunday | thursday | tuesday | wednesday | weekdays | weekend> end <ending-time>




time-range <time-range-name>

Specifies the time range name. The value is a string in alpha-numeric format with no spaces.

periodic <periodic>

Specifies the periodic name. The value is an integer. Range: 0 to 9999.

<daily | friday | monday | saturday | sunday | thursday | tuesday | wednesday | weekdays | weekend>

Specifies the days of the week.

end <ending-time>

Specifies the ending time of a time range in 24-hour clock format. Format: HH:MM:SS.

Usage Guidelines


  • A pair of start time and end time forms a time range.
  • Currently only one periodic can be configured under a time range. However, multiple time periods can be configured under one periodic. All the time periods under the same time range take effect.
  • In the same periodic, you cannot configure daily, weekdays, weekend at the same time.