set class-of-service scheduler max-bandwidth-pps

set class-of-service scheduler max-bandwidth-pps

The set class-of-service scheduler max-bandwidth-pps command sets the maximum bandwidth for a CPU queue.

Command Syntax

set class-of-service scheduler <scheduler-name> max-bandwidth-pps <value>




scheduler <scheduler-name>

Specifies a CoPP scheduler name, the value is a string, spaces are not allowed.

max-bandwidth-pps <value>

Specifies the maximum bandwidth for a CPU queue.

The value is an integer.

The lower limit of max-bandwidth-pps is 0 and the upper limit of max-bandwidth-pps is the maximum bandwidth that the CPU can receive. 


Usage Guidelines

If there is heavy traffic load on the interface caused by malicious attacks or network exceptions, the CPU is overloaded and services are interrupted. User can set a maximum bandwidth value for a CPU queue on the interface to control this problem.

The upper limit of max-bandwidth-pps is different on different platforms. If the configured max-bandwidth-pps value exceeds the maximum bandwidth that the CPU can receive, an error message is displayed with the range of the device supported max-bandwidth-pps. The following shows an example.

admin@Xorplus# set class-of-service scheduler s1 max-bandwidth-pps 40000
admin@Xorplus# commit
The maximum bandwidth is form 0 to 200
Commit failed.


•  Set the maximum bandwidth for a CPU queue to 200 pps.

admin@XorPlus# set class-of-service scheduler copp-scheduler3 max-bandwidth-pps 200
admin@XorPlus# commit