set protocols pim packets

The set protocols pim packets command configures the max number of packets incoming that can be processed at one time when processing packets from a neighbor.

Command Syntax

set protocols pim [vrf<vrf-name>] packets <packets-number>




vrf <vrf-name>

Optional. Specifies a VRF name. The value is a string. It’s a user-defined VRF set by the command set ip vrf <vrf-name> [description <string>].

keep-alive-timer <INTERVAL>Specifies the max number of packets incoming that can be processed at one time. The value is an integer that ranges from 1 to 100.

Usage Guidelines

When processing packets from a neighbor process the number of packets incoming at one time before moving on to the next task. The default value is 3 packets. This command is only useful at scale when you can possibly have a large number of pim control packets flowing. This command is vrf aware, to configure for a vrf, specify the vrf name.


  • Configure the max number of packets incoming that can be processed at one time.
admin@Xorplus# set protocols pim packets 50
admin@Xorplus# commit

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