Configure external syslog servers

After AmpCon v1.10.0, we support to specify the external syslog servers to export local AmpCon APP logs.


Step1          Select Settings > System Configuration > Syslog

Step2          Syslog Configuration modal.

Field NameDescription
IPIP address of the external syslog server.
PortPort number of the external syslog server
ProtocolTCP / UDP 


Ampcon Log levels mapping to syslog rules:  SUCCESS => info(level=6) , ERROR => warning(level=4).

For example, if the ERROR level is specified, the syslog outputs logs with a warning level or higher to the specified server. Of course, the syslog service of the target server must be enabled.

Step3          configure finished & Both the System logs and alarms will be posted in real time to the external logger.

After configuration added, user will be able to see the AmpCon logs in external syslog server.

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