run show poe power

The run show poe power command displays the PoE power status.


On AS4610-30P, AS4610-54P, AS4630-54PE and AS4630-54NPE,

  • If Power Management mode is dynamic, total power allocated is about the same value as realtime consumption.
  • But if Power Management mode  is static, total power allocated is usually larger than realtime consumption.

On other PoE supported switches, regardless of whether Power Management mode is dynamic or static, the total power allocated is about the same value as realtime consumption.


•  Displays the PoE power status.

On AS4610-30P, AS4610-54P, AS4630-54PE and AS4630-54NPE:

admin@XorPlus# run show poe power
Total power allocated           RealTime consumption     Power available   Power Mode    PSU1 Status    PSU2 Status 
2.20W                           2.20W                     675.00W         redundant       Powered on          Present but powered off

On other PoE supported switches:

root@Xorplus# run show poe power 
Consumption Power  Calculated Power  Available Power   PSU1 Status            PSU2 Status 
0W                   0W                950W            Not present            Powered on 

Table 1 Description of the run show poe power command output



Total power allocated

Total allocated max power for all ports.

RealTime consumption

The actual consumption power of all ports on AS4610-30P, AS4610-54P, AS4630-54PE and AS4630-54NPE.

Power available

The max limit power value of PSE on AS4610-30P, AS4610-54P, AS4630-54PE and AS4630-54NPE.

  • When the power mode is redundant, Power available is 675W.
  • When the power mode is aggressive, Power available is 1350W.

Consumption Power

The actual power consumed by all ports.

Calculated Power

The sum of all ports power, allocated as defined by IEEE standard 802.3af-2003, or actually consumed.

Available Power

The max limit power value of PSE.

  • When the power mode is redundant, Power available is 950W.
  • When the power mode is aggressive, Power available is 1900W.

Power Mode

Redundant or aggressive based on set.

PSU1 Status

Status of PSU1.

PSU2 Status

Status of PSU2.

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