run show bfd peers

The run show bfd peers command displays informations about all the BFD sessions.

Command Syntax

run show bfd [vrf <vrf-name>peers [brief | counters]




vrf <vrf-name>

Optional. Specifies a VRF name. The value is a string. It’s a user-defined VRF set by the command set ip vrf <vrf-name> [description <string>].

[brief | counters]


  • brief: Displays brief information about all the BFD sessions.
  • counters: Displays the counter information about all the BFD sessions.

• Show information about all the BFD session.

admin@Xorplus# run show bfd peers 
BFD Peers:
        peer local-address vrf vrf1 interface vlan100
                ID: 984327
                Remote ID: 0
                Passive mode
                Status: shutdown
                Diagnostics: ok
                Remote diagnostics: ok
                Peer Type: configured
                Local timers:
                        Detect-multiplier: 20
                        Receive interval: 50ms
                        Transmission interval: 50ms
                        Echo receive interval: 30ms
                        Echo transmission interval: 30ms
                Remote timers:
                        Detect-multiplier: 3
                        Receive interval: 1000ms
                        Transmission interval: 1000ms
                        Echo receive interval: disabled

        peer local-address vrf default interface vlan3
                ID: 3820553826
                Remote ID: 0
                Passive mode
                Status: shutdown
                Diagnostics: ok
                Remote diagnostics: ok
                Peer Type: configured
                Local timers:
                        Detect-multiplier: 2
                        Receive interval: 50ms
                        Transmission interval: 50ms
                        Echo receive interval: 10ms
                        Echo transmission interval: 10ms
                Remote timers:
                        Detect-multiplier: 3
                        Receive interval: 1000ms
                        Transmission interval: 1000ms
                        Echo receive interval: disabled

        peer multihop local-address vrf vrf1
                ID: 219448436
                Remote ID: 0
                Active mode
                Minimum TTL: 254
                Status: down
                Downtime: 1 hour(s), 53 minute(s), 4 second(s)
                Diagnostics: ok
                Remote diagnostics: ok
                Peer Type: configured
                Local timers:
                        Detect-multiplier: 3
                        Receive interval: 300ms
                        Transmission interval: 300ms
                        Echo receive interval: 50ms
                        Echo transmission interval: disabled
                Remote timers:
                        Detect-multiplier: 3
                        Receive interval: 1000ms
                        Transmission interval: 1000ms
                        Echo receive interval: disabled

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