run clear pbr map

The run show pbr map command clears the statistics information of a PBR map.


The previous statistics cannot be restored after clearing, so be careful when using this command.


Command Syntax

run show pbr map <all | <map-name> [sequence <sequence-number>]>





all | <map-name>

Specifies the map name of a PBR policy. The value is a string.

When all is specified, clear the statistics information of all PBR maps.

sequence <sequence-number>

Optional. Specifies sequence number. The value is an integer that ranges from 1 to 700.



  • Clear the statistics information of a PBR map.

admin@PICOS# run clear pbr map map1 Pbr map statistics cleared. admin@PICOS# run clear pbr map all Pbr map statistics cleared.

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