Automated day-to-day Policy Enforcement on a Group of Switches

Creating Switch Groups for Operations and Automated Policy Enforcement

A switch group can be created for performing lifecycle operations and policy enforcement on a designated group of PICOS switches.

To create a switch group:

  1. Select Deployment > Group Management.
  2. Select the PICOS switches you would like to put in a new group.
  3. Click Select All or a specific switch lifecycle operation on the top (shown below).
  4. Click Create Group to create the switch group.

Enter values for Group Name and Description, then click Create Group.

Automated Policy Enforcement On a Group of Switches

The following steps are used for enforcing a specific policy or configuration on a group of PICOS switches.

  1. Create a switch group as outlined in the previous section.
  2. Select the Config/Templates > Configuration Files View menu, right click config, and then click Add node.

3. Enter the Name and Description of the Policy, select a Platform, and click Save.

4. Select the new policy name, click Edit and enter the configuration commands you want to provision on a group of switches in the set format in the window shown below. Click Save. Then click Yes in the dialog window to save the configuration.

5. Click the Push Config in the bottom of the screen, select the Config Groups tab, select the group, and click Push.

6. Check the operation log to ensure that the policy was successfully pushed to group of switches. Next select Operation Logs > System Logs and then check the operation log message as shown below.

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