Zero-day PICOS switches manual Deployment

In v1.13.1, AmpCon added support for several switch models which don’t have ONIE supported.

Normally these switch should be delivered with PICOS + license pre-installed, so the deployment workflow will also be different.

Import switch into AmpCon

Enter “Lifecycle“ → “Import Switch“, click “Import“ button, input the IP address of the switch and select valid associated “System Config“.


Wait for about 3-5 min to see if it is able to see the switch alive in “Deployment“ → “Switch List“


Create switch configuration & Push configuration

Select the “Config/Templates” → “Configuration Files View” menu, right click config, and then click Add node.

Enter the Name and Description of the configuration, select a Platform, and click Save.

Select the new configuration name, click Edit and enter the configuration commands you want to provision on the switch in the set format in the window shown below. Click Save. Then click Yes in the dialog window to save the configuration.

Click the Push Config in the bottom of the screen, select the switch you want to push the created configuration and click “Push”.

Check the result in “Operation Logs“ → “Push Config Logs“



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