run show evpn es

The run show evpn es command is used to display the all the Ethernet segments configured on the device. It also displays the auto generated type-3 ESI for each segment, its type, the name of the LAG interface and the VTEPs involved.


admin@ACC2# run show evpn es
Type: B bypass, L local, R remote, N non-DF
ESI                               Type      ES-IF                   VTEPs
03:00:22:22:22:22:22:00:00:01      LR        ae1         ,
03:00:22:22:22:22:22:00:00:02      LR        ae2         ,

To check the detailed information of the Ethernet segments, add the optional keyword detail at the end of the command as shown below.

admin@ACC2# run show evpn es detail
ESI: 03:00:22:22:22:22:22:00:00:01
 Type: Local,Remote
 Interface: ae1
 State: up
 Bridge port: yes
 Ready for BGP: yes
 VNI Count: 2
 MAC Count: 0
 DF status: df
 DF preference: 32767
 Nexthop group: 536870913
 VTEPs: df_alg: preference df_pref: 32767 nh: 268435459 df_alg: preference df_pref: 32767 nh: 268435460

ESI: 03:00:22:22:22:22:22:00:00:02
 Type: Local,Remote
 Interface: ae2
 State: up
 Bridge port: yes
 Ready for BGP: yes
 VNI Count: 2
 MAC Count: 0
 DF status: df
 DF preference: 32767
 Nexthop group: 536870914
 VTEPs: df_alg: preference df_pref: 32767 nh: 268435459 df_alg: preference df_pref: 32767 nh: 268435460

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