PICOS Documentation
PICOS-4.4.4_Configuration_Guide (Special Release)
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Release Notes for PICOS 4.4.4 (Special Release)
Hardware Guides
PICOS System Configuration Guide
PICOS Routing and Switching Configuration Guide
PICOS Routing and Switching Command Reference
Command-Line Interface Commands
System Management Commands
NAC Configuration Commands
SNMP Configuration Commands
Mirror Configuration Commands
RMON Commands
AAA Configuration Commands
run show ldap
set system aaa ldap disable
set system aaa ldap command-level permit
set system aaa ldap group command-level
set system aaa ldap server-ip port
set system aaa ldap bind root-dn
set system aaa ldap bind password
set system aaa ldap base-dn
set system aaa ldap search-timeout
set system aaa ldap filter user-object-class
set system aaa ldap vrf mgmt-vrf
set system aaa radius accounting disable
set system aaa radius accounting server-ip
set system aaa radius accounting server-ip port
set system aaa radius accounting server-ip shared-key
set system aaa radius accounting server-ip timeout
set system aaa radius authorization disable
set system aaa radius authorization server-ip
set system aaa radius source-interface
set system aaa radius authorization server-ip port
set system aaa radius authorization server-ip shared-key
set system aaa radius authorization server-ip timeout
set system aaa radius vrf mgmt-vrf
set system aaa tacacs-plus accounting
set system aaa tacacs-plus authorization
set system aaa tacacs-plus auth-type
set system aaa tacacs-plus disable
set system aaa tacacs-plus key
set system aaa tacacs-plus port-number
set system aaa tacacs-plus timeout
set system aaa tacacs-plus server-ip
set system aaa tacacs-plus source-interface
set system aaa local disable
set system aaa local-auth-fallback disable
set system aaa tacacs-plus vrf mgmt-vrf
run show system boot-messages
run show system connections
run show system core-dumps
run show system cpu-usage
run show system date
run show system fan
run show system memory-usage
run show system name
run show system ntp-status
run show system os
run show system processes brief
run show system processes detail
run show system rollback compare to
run show system rollback file
run show system rollback list
run show system rpsu
run show system serial-number
run show system temperature
run show system uptime